Scrawl Radio

ScrawlS11E12 Crook and Folly

Good morning Scrawl Nation! Last Friday, Stephanie Klein from DePaul’s literary magazine, Crook and Folly, joined us to talk about writing and editing for a lit-mag!

Writing about Writing

The Merits of Being Awful

Lit magazines are the heart of collegiate writing, especially for creative writers. Where else will self-conscious english majors be able to get their writing published? Getting published…

Writing about Writing

Beautiful Lines

I’d rather not think about what this says about the world, but nearly a month later the universe is still abuzz with talk of Miley Cyrus and…


What’s New in the SQ Book Club: Flash Fiction and Collaborative Writing!

For those of you who don’t know, we’ve been mixing it up this quarter in the CMWR’s Book Club.  Rather than read a single book throughout the quarter with…

Outreach and Events Writing about Writing

My Advice: Don’t Take Any Advice At All

        I recently discovered this lovely blog consisting of pictures of authors scribbling advice for aspiring writers on their hands. The authors are mainly fantasy authors, but…

Writing about Writing

The Voice of the People… or Characters

When you read a book, what’s one of the first things you notice? Is it the setting? Is it the use of concrete versus abstract details? Is…

Writing about Writing

Suck It Up and Take It

I usually have no problem taking criticism. Well, not when it comes to my writing at least. I know the value of a workshop class and I…

Writing about Writing

Who’s Telling the Story? The Importance of Narrators in Contemporary Fiction

In his essay “Once Upon a Time, There Was a Person Who Said ‘Once Upon a Time,’” Steve Almond uses a trend among his creative writing students…

Outreach and Events

“Does poetry need paper?”: Writing Advice from Don DeLillo

This week, the Chicago Public Library Foundation awarded novelist Don DeLillo the Carl Sandburg Literary Award

Writing about Writing

The Best Part of Summer: Summer Reading

With Spring Quarter winding down and the weather approaching something we might be able to call “summery” (because, let’s face it, it’s the best we’re going to…