Peer Writing Tutoring

Generalized Feedback: A Disservice to Growing Writers

How do we learn to write? How do our teachers teach us to write? Do they teach us to write, or do they teach us to prioritize…

Writing about Writing

Finals & Final Drafts: Revising

Although it is arguably the most important stage of the writing process, revision is often misunderstood or avoided altogether. Revision means thinking critically about the choices we’ve…

Writing about Writing

“Just Write, Right?”: Drafting

I talked about getting the writing process started with some prewriting strategies in my last post, so now we get to put the products of those strategies…

Writing about Writing

Thinking it Through: Prewriting Strategies

Last week, I talked about the writing process from a very broad perspective: prewriting, drafting, and revising. With a holistic view of the steps that go into…

Writing about Writing

“I’m a Bad Writer”: Owning Your Writing Process

When I was just starting out as a writing tutor, I was always concerned with whether I was giving the writers I worked with the “right” or…