CMWR Grammar Series: Count and Noncount Nouns
A noun is usually described as a person, place, or thing, which seems simple enough until you really unpack all the different types of nouns: concrete and…

CMWR Grammar Series: Expletive Constructions
The Basics Expletive constructions are phrases like “there is”, “here are”, and “it seems” that typically serve to introduce the content of a sentence. Just because a…

Don’t write for the void: Thinking intentionally about sharing your work
Whether we recognize it or not, most art involves writing in some way, be it scribbles on a paper napkin about an idea for a new painting,…

How to Make Capstone Writing (a bit) Less Nerve Wracking
Now that all of your Gen Eds have been absolutely crushed by your awesomeness, only one stands between you and your degree: the Senior Capstone. This is…

The Lessons of Creative Writing
Months before I finally sank my teeth in the first Creative Writing workshop coursework of my bachelor’s degree, I started beta-reading seriously in 2019. I’d only ever…

Maintaining Voice in Academic Writing
As writers throughout our academic careers, one primary lesson we constantly learn is to find our own voices; our pieces should be reflective of our personalities. Writers find…

When Worlds Collide: Economics in the UCWbL
I have found that the University Center for Writing-based Learning’s, (UCWbL)’s, core practice “Collaboratively set an agenda to guide your work” can be easily transferred to subjects…

How Does Reading a Peers Writing Effect How You See Your Own?
As a student studying to be a high school English teacher, I was searching for an opportunity at DePaul that would help me grow into the educator…

Mental Health in the Writing Center: How to Help Writers and Ourselves
by: Isis, Meredith, and Bill As writing tutors, our job is to help everyone improve their writing skills, build their confidence, and achieve their goals in writing….

Becoming a Published Author: Quick Tips
Publication is an exciting opportunity that allows a writer to share their work with a broader audience, and also to establish themselves in their field. When I…

Generalized Feedback: A Disservice to Growing Writers
How do we learn to write? How do our teachers teach us to write? Do they teach us to write, or do they teach us to prioritize…

The Intertwined Nature of Reading and Writing
“If you want to become a better writer, read more.” Since childhood I have heard this statement from those closest to me, from my grandfather, a huge…

My Experience as a Student Abroad
During the summer of 2014, I embarked on a two-week journey to a foreign country. I was in high school at the time so I was only…

Working at the UCWbL: One Particular Social Benefit
There are countless rewards involved with being an employee at DePaul’s Writing Center. Interestingly, my roommate articulated and revealed one of these improvements to me. She said…

Rapport Building with Hesitant Writers
There is a reason that “Build and cultivate rapport” is one of the core beliefs of DePaul University’s Center for Writing-based Learning (UCWbL); it’s an integral way…

Getting a Second, Third, or Fourth Pair of Eyes
So, you finally finished that piece of writing you have been working on for days, weeks, or months. This pile of words you’ve painstakingly crafted feel like…

Merging Pedagogies: Feminism & The Writing Center
As a women’s and gender studies major, I always find myself seeking and making connections to what I learn and develop in the classroom. Women’s studies is…

Questions of New Historicism in the UCWbL
I will be using New Historicism in Literary Studies and the principles underlying New Historicism used in Classical Studies to examine the need for questions here at…

4 Steps to Collaboratively Setting An Agenda In Advertising
A successful advertising campaign is one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish. This is because the smallest error can throw an entire campaign’s message off. The…

What to Do When a Writer Has a Controversial Stance in an Argumentative Paper
Imagine this. You’re working at the UCWbL and you have a face-to-face appointment come in. You shake hands (in a pre-COVID era), introduce yourselves, build rapport, bada…

Writing with pictures can be for adults too
Why do you read something? Is it the cool title? Maybe. Did you just want to try something new? Maybe. If I were to be honest, I…

It’s All About the Energy – Motivational Scaffolding
My approach to motivational scaffolding in a world of virtual learning and zoom school.

How to Personal Statement
The personal statement can be a scary genre. Many graduate schools require a personal statement, but each program has differing expectations. This blog post is a resource…

Re-Envisioning Revision with EAL Writers
Learning a language is by no means an easy task; learning nuances like vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure the first time is difficult enough, but it can…

Accommodating Writers with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Writing Center
Written by Riley Andrews and Audrey Champelli Hello fellow tutors here at the University Center for Writing-based Learning (UCWbL)! We are here to talk about strategies for…

Scaffolding from the Perspective of Politeness
My group project for my writing center course was focused on the topic of motivational scaffolding, and as my group members and I learned through the research…

Assimilation Ain’t It.
At the Writing Center, we strive to create a space that is safe for all writers. This means accommodating each appointment to the individual writer we are…

Anti-Racist Tutoring
As tutors at a Writing Center, we have duties to work toward anti-racism at the University Center for Writing-based Learning (UCWbL). Historically, writing centers have been founded…

Connecting through the Screen
As we wrap up our third consecutive quarter of remote operations, I’m sure many of us are counting down the days until we can get back to…

Explaining the Obvious
One of the things I’ve noticed about my job as generalist writing tutor is that it often requires difficult explanations. Most often, these will be grammatical or…

How To: Motivational Scaffold
A Brief Overview Scaffolding is a teaching technique that supports the learner by gradually building their independence that can take a variety of different forms. Motivational scaffolding…

Twine as a Writing Tool
Twine is an open-source software originally developed by Chris Klimas for interactive storytelling. Though projects can be expanded through code, users need not have such background in…

Scaffolding for Writers in Asynchronous Appointments
“Cognitive and motivational scaffolding” is a term that pops up quite often in Writing Center scholarship, but its definition is a bit elusive and hard to pin…

Being Late is NOT Glam
I like to blame my chronic lateness on “Gay Time,” or as the professors at JaCob University would define it, the extra ten or fifteen minutes that…

Cognitive Scaffolding: What and How?
By Alayne T., Anastasia K., and Koko T. What is Cognitive Scaffolding? Cognitive scaffolding is a teaching and tutoring method in which the tutor controls elements of…

Tutoring in APA Format: The Basics
In my first quarter as a peer writing tutor, many of the writers I’ve worked with have asked for help with papers written in APA format. As…

Internship at the Chicago Literacy Alliance
The Chicago Literacy Alliance, a non-profit organization located in the West Loop, seeks to meet the literacy needs of people all over the city of Chicago. Comprised…

Unorthodox Final Projects
It is that time in the quarter where everyone is scrambling to piece together that final research paper (myself included). The UCWbL will soon be very busy…

Remote Reflections
It’s not groundbreaking to say this past year has been hard. Our routines, social lives, and work lives have been fundamentally altered. I have noticed a lot…

Job Shadowing in the Hiring Process
At a past University Center for Writing-based Learning (UCWbL) Winter Retreat, an interesting dilemma was posed to fellow tutors: how can we spread representation among the UCWbL…

Honest Collaboration in Conversation and Culture
During the last couple quarters, the research team has participated in many assessment projects, aimed at assessing the current state of our writing center and our various…

4 Strategies for Keeping Focused During Quarantine
Summers without courses seem to lose their structure entirely for me, and, when I heard the news of classes going online this spring, I immediately began anticipating…

The Human Condition: What It Is, How to Find It, Why We Talk About It, & How To Write About It
I remember being in high school when my English teachers would toss out the phrase “the human condition” as we discussed the dystopian nightmare of Orwell’s 1984, or…

Using Writing Tutor Skills for Applications: Law School, Part 2
So now that you’ve decided to send in an application for law schools, here comes the gritty stuff: the actual writing process aspects of the application that…

Tutoring Writers with Dyslexia
By: Izzy Rothberg and Nawaal Farooq There are a lot of common misconceptions about those who have dyslexia and this is especially perpetuated by how people with…

The Three Stages of Voice
A writer’s voice is essentially how the writer incorporates their own imprint or beliefs into their writing. It allows the writer to institute their own perception and…

A Character Study: How Can We Identify “Good Characters?”
Holden Caufield—a good character. Humbert Humbert—another good character. Problematic, but regardless—a good character. Yet, this is essentially evaluative language; we can often come to the conclusion that…

Normalizing the Knowledge: Building a Space for Multilingual Tutoring
As a long-time member of the The Collaborative For Multilingual Writing & Research(CMWR) here at DePaul’s University Center for Writing-based Learning (UCWbL), it’s easy for me to…

Tutoring Argument Development: The “So What” Concept
Before diving into the process of teaching peer writers about argument development, we must first make sure that we fully understand these concepts ourselves! By doing so,…

Got You Covered
Why Cover Letters and Resumes? The topic that I chose for my WRD 395 presentation is how to tutor career writing, more specifically cover letters and resumes….

Growth, Reflection, Ink and Paper
While reflecting on my own experiences at DePaul from the various perspectives as a student, elevator, and Chicago Quarter Mentor, it became clear to me that in…

Flow: We all want it, but what is it really?
So before I answer this post’s eponymous question, I’d appreciate it if you could answer these two questions before continuing: How do you personally define flow? What’s…

Becoming the UCWbLing Content Student Leader
Becoming a student leader can mean a lot of things depending on the university that you’re at and the specific program that you get into. Are you…

What We Can Learn about Tutoring from Restorative Justice Practices
You may have heard about Restorative Justice (RJ) on your Twitter or Instagram feed lately along with calls to defund and abolish police departments across the United…

How to Create a Style Guide for Your Website
Making a content and style guide that is both rhetorically effective while also comprehensive can be a challenge, namely because picking a place to start isn’t as…

[Remote Reflections] “See you next week.”
DAVID SIPRESS As I’m sure is the norm with many students who find their academic year coming to a close during this unfortunate and unpredictable time, it…

A Character Analysis: Six Tips To Bring Your Fictional Character To Life
What would a story be without a hero, villain, or trusty sidekick? Arguably the most important aspect of a great piece of writing, characters act as vehicles…

Black Like Me
I come from a line of revolutionary Black women, both known and unknown to me. This letter and my actions over the past few weeks are dedicated…

Spring 2020 Flash Fiction Contest
The University Center for Writing-based Learning was excited to sponsor its second Flash Fiction Contest. The DePaul community, including the students, alumni, faculty, and staff, were invited…

Centering Code-Meshing at the UCWbL
Code-switching is a hot topic on university campuses these days. Not only are educators and writing tutors talking about it, but people are also examining how they…

Why I Love Being a Writing Tutor
Years ago, if you would have asked me about seeing a tutor I might have cringed and said “I don’t need help from a tutor!” In grade…

A Tutor’s Role in a Meaningful Writing Project
In the process of redesigning some resources for DePaul’s First-Year Writing Faculty, I reread the Meaningful Writing Project by Michele Eodice, Anne Ellen Geller, and Neal Lerner….

The Power of Subjectivity
Before I began working at the Writing Center, I studied at the theatre school where I had a different sort of experience with reading, writing, and analysis….

[Remote Reflections] Abby V.
After several years living away from where I grew up, I never imagined I’d be finishing my first year of grad school in my childhood bedroom. I…

[Remote Reflections] Matthew P.
I’ve long been a fan of working from home when it comes to any project that requires extensive, sustained focus and solitude. Which was sometimes the case…

Adapting English Language Teaching Cohesion Strategies for Tutoring Multilingual Writers
According to Matsuda and Cox, EAL writers often struggle with cohesion and coherence because they also struggle with signposting, with using “the transitional words and sentences that…

Wisdom from a Departing UCWbLer
My nearly three years at the Writing Center have reached their conclusion at the end of winter quarter, and I have since received my diploma and advanced…

Meet the UCWbL Alum: Emily P.
Emily graduated from DePaul’s WRD program with a Bachelor’s in 2016 and a Master’s in 2018. She worked at the UCWBL from Autumn 2014 until she graduated…

[Reading in Quarantine] The Ordinary Genius of Kim Addonizio
In undergrad, I attended an open mic night at the library where people could share a reading from their favorite writer. After hearing a few of the…

IWCA Presentation – Making Transitions: Gender Identity and the Writing Center
When I decided to submit a proposal to the International Writing Centers Association (IWCA) conference last year, I knew that I was not just stepping, but leaping,…

Outreach…from home
If you’ve ever seen a table in Arts & Letters, the Stu, the hallway outside the library, or the 11th floor of the DePaul Center in the Loop…

How to Stay Sane Working Remotely
I’m sure many of us have dreamed of working from home at some point during our time at the UCWbL. “Why can’t I do this from home…

Social Justice Team Update: 4/30/2020
Hello UCWbLers, and happy start to the spring quarter! We know it’s a weird one, but hang in there! We’re all going to get through this. While…

Dungeons and Dragons and Tutoring
Header courtesy of Tim Foster, Unsplash Dungeons and Dragons and Tutoring, on first glance, such a sentence sounds like nonsense. Even on a second glance, okay, maybe the same….

[Remote Reflections] Ava O.
My childhood bedroom has become my main office this past month! Although it isn’t great for my back, I usually do most of my UCWbL work and…

The Power of Poetry: Helping to Keep the Mind Occupied during COVID-19
Mental Health and COVID-19 Currently, for our safety, millions of Americans are being ordered to stay at home in order to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19. With…

Online Realtime Appointment Troubleshooting
Hi DePaul University writers, the writing center is here for you this Spring Quarter! Our tutors are available Sunday through Friday to collaborate with you via an…

Speedy Reading
Growing up, I was insecure about how fast I could read. I have always taken my time to read books, assignments, letters, etc. This has always been…

[Reading in Quarantine] Writing with Bird by Bird
Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott is a book on how to write and how to live life. From how to beat feeling overwhelmed when there’s a…

Meet the UCWbL Alum – Lauren R.
Lauren R. is a 2019 graduate of the MA in English program at DePaul. She worked at the UCWbL from 2018 – 2019 as a graduate assistant,…

Encouraging Growth Mindset in Peer Tutoring
Photo courtesy of Daniel Hjalmarsson, Unsplash. One of the most awkward challenges I face as a peer writing tutor is the moment when a writer asks my…

Peer Tutor and Mentor Summit 2020
On February 21, 2020, the 10th Peer Tutor and Mentor Summit was held at the Lincoln Park Student Center. Celebrating the theme of “Spotlight on Collaboration”, students…

Experiencing Writer’s block? Try the Morning Pages Method!
What is the morning pages method!? Struggling with finding “the idea” for your research paper? Too uninspired to write? Feeling stuck during your writing process? The solution:…

Meet The UCWbL Alum – Lisa P.
Lisa is a class of 2019 graduate who earned an MA in English and a TESOL certification. She also earned a bachelor’s degree in American Studies in…

Exposing Myself to New Citation Styles: Chicago Style
One of the first appointments I had as a new UCWbL tutor involved a writer who came in with a paper that needed to be done in…

The Nonlinear Process in Works in Progress
Background & Context: Why Nonlinear? When first given the opportunity to research writing, I knew that I wanted to choose something that related to not only my…

Tutoring Creative Writing
Like many of you, much of my love of writing comes from using writing and language in fun and interesting ways. Whether it’s been journaling, poetry, short…

What DePaul Has to Say on Resumes
When I was brainstorming what I wanted my goals to be for this year would be, I kept coming back to the idea of resumes. Growing up…

Meet the Social Justice Team
Have you heard about the UCWbL’s social justice team? We’re a brand new group started by our very own Erin H., and we have some great plans…

User Experience Design at the UCWbL
The unexpected parallels between being a peer writing tutor and UX designer. At the heart of it all is having empathy for the client.

Growth, Reflection, Ink and Paper
While reflecting on my own experiences at DePaul as both a student and a Chicago Quarter Mentor, it became clear to me that students often struggle with…

APA: Non-Biased Language, Paraphrasing, and References
APA style is used in most scientific and research writing. Because these areas can cover very complex and complicated topics, it is important to provide as much…

On Multimodal Composing
When prompted to create, to compose, in something other than alphanumeric writing, I’ve found that I and other students tend to balk at the suggestion. Why would…

Confessions of a Self-Avowed Passive-ist
I have never been good at active vs passive voice. In high school, my teacher decided that to teach us a lesson about being judicious in our…

Working with Presenters
Working at the UCWbL, we tend to become focused on certain common types of writing assignments, such as essays or short homework assignments, like discussion posts and…

Contemporary Usage of Ancient Rhetoric
The School of Athens by Raphael. While crafting an argument, one might consult ancient rhetorical appeals such as ethos, logos, and pathos. These appeals, once mastered, can…

Meet the UCWbL Alum – Heather S.
Heather is a class of 2010 graduate who studied creative writing during her time at DePaul. She worked at the UCWbL during her senior year as a…

Accessibility…Why Does It Matter?
Accessibility within writing centers is extremely important. As a part of the university, a space where students come for support, we have a responsibility as tutors to…

Meet the UCWbL Alum – Andrew Y.
Andrew is a recent graduate of the MA in Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse program at DePaul University (2019). He simultaneously earned a graduate level TESOL certification. Andrew…

Inaugural Flash Fiction Contest
The University Center for Writing-based Learning hosted its inaugural flash fiction contest during the 2019 autumn quarter. All DePaul students, faculty, staff, and alumni were invited to…