New Media Research

Politics and the English Language

What would George Orwell think? While the origins of textual analysis dates back to ancient times, the use of computers to analyze texts is a recent development.

New Media Writing about Writing

Get your research published… on Wikipedia

According to N.P.R., Wikipedia’s Public Policy Initiative has recruited professors from eight different universities (including Harvard and U.C. Berkeley) to incorporate Wikipedia into their courses on public…

New Media

The Ethicist on Giving Students Help on Writing…

In today’s (October 24, 2010) New York Times Magazine, Randy Cohen fields a question from a librarian (scroll down to the second entry) at a community college…

New Media Writing about Writing


Welcome to the DePaul University Center for Writing-based Learning’s new blog! Please be patient while we tweak the blog’s settings, add content, and recruit bloggers.  In the…