New Media Peer Writing Tutoring Research Writing about Writing

Digication 101: Choosing Your Theme & Basic CSS

Have you ever found yourself looking at a friend’s/professor’s/classmate’s/stranger’s Digication ePorfolio, wondering how on earth they could possibly make theirs look like that? If so, then this…

New Media Peer Writing Tutoring Research Writing about Writing

How to Find Sources Past the First Page of Google

Google is, by far, one of the most helpful tools on the internet. From its ease of usage to its quick response time with millions of items…

New Media Outreach and Events Writing about Writing

Get Published in Crook & Folly!

Are you a DePaul student with a short story you’re proud of or a poem that makes you weep for the sheer beauty it expresses? Maybe you’ve crafted…

New Media Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

The One With The Thesaurus

Often times, students try to elevate their language by using a thesaurus or the synonymous feature on Microsoft Word. Instead of using the word big , a…

New Media Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Pinterest You Life: UCWbL Style! Part Four

Have you ever heard of the word “hack”? I’m not talking about computer hacking, but rather “hacks” as in innovative methods that aim to simplify your life…

New Media Peer Writing Tutoring Research Writing about Writing

Grammar and Gender

When we were revising the handbook last summer, we decided to use the singular they. Although this may seem like a small thing, I think/I hope it…

New Media Peer Writing Tutoring Research Writing about Writing

Graphic Design Crash Course, Part 4: Consistency

It’s ePortfolio season at DePaul. Programs that require students to submit portfolios as graduation requirements are wrapping up, job and internship applications are being prepared as the end…

New Media Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Pinterest Your Life: UCWbL Style! Part 3

Cue blog post number three for Pinterest Your Life: UCWbL Style. Today’s post is on motivation! Since we are approaching the end of the academic year, you’re…

New Media Writing about Writing

How Video Games Made me a Better Writer

When I was a child, there were two activities near and dear to my heart: playing video games and reading books. Books allowed me to engage and…

New Media Peer Writing Tutoring Research Writing about Writing

Graphic Design Crash Course, Part 3: Movement & Directional Force

It’s ePortfolio season at DePaul. Programs that require students to submit portfolios as graduation requirements are wrapping up, job and internship applications are being prepared as the end…