New Media Outreach and Events

25,000+ Stories

As the largest Catholic University in the nation, DePaul is home to roughly 25,000 students. That is, 25,000 students with 25,000 unique personalities, 25,000 unique voices, and…

New Media Outreach and Events Writing about Writing

Expressing Yourself in Political Writing

To some extent, getting people riled up is the goal of political writing.  Opinions and discussions should be exciting, forceful, and most of all, persuasive.  You want…

New Media Writing about Writing

How Important Is Popular Culture to the Contemporary Writer?

How important is knowledge of popular culture to the contemporary writer? Is popular culture knowledge something we should actively pursue, or something we accumulate without effort as…

New Media Outreach and Events

A Promising Start to The Beating Art

The Beating Art, a new show on Radio DePaul, launched its debut this past Monday, Sep. 27 at 9pm by featuring two DePaul spoken word talents.  The…

New Media Writing about Writing

Borrow a Kindle E-Book from the Chicago Public Library

The Chicago Public Library (CPL) has offered e-books in the EPUB format for a while now, but Kindle owners haven’t been able to borrow digitally until very…

New Media

To Tag, or Not to Tag

There has been a great evolution in my mind concerning the concept of graffiti. When young, I associated it with a disrespectful ugliness that surfaced on trips…

New Media Writing about Writing

Let’s Demystify the Writer

Some have appropriated unto the process of writing a somewhat romantic picture. We imagine our favorite writers hunched over desks, grumbling to themselves through sips of whiskey…

New Media

Watch the Throne: Should Traditional Criticism Watch its Back?

Last week, Jay-Z and Kanye West dropped their highly anticipated joint album, Watch the Throne. Like any other pop culture event, the immense buildup to the release…

New Media Writing about Writing

How to Write Very Little

“Talking and eloquence are not the same,” Ben Jonson once observed.  “To speak, and to speak well, are two things.”  In his new book, Microstyle, Christopher Johnson,…

New Media Outreach and Events

New Hot Topics in Writing Episode: Literature After Dark

Hot Topics in Writing, the UCWbL’s podcast, has released the second installment of a three part series about resources for writers in Chicago! In our last episode,…