Accessibility New Tutors

How Working at the UCWbL has Helped with my Anxiety

I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder about two and a half years ago, and ever since I have been searching for healthy ways to help with…

New Tutors Peer Writing Tutoring

Tips To Tutor Creative Writing

I’ve been a creative writer for seven years and have submitted my short pieces to multiple academic workshops for critique and revision. And it’s not easy. Never easy. Whether…

New Tutors Peer Writing Tutoring

Tutoring a Literature Review

Hello fellow UCWbLers, my name is Megan L., and post is going to contain some strategies I have developed for tutoring a literature review after doing a…

New Tutors Peer Writing Tutoring

A Handy Guide on Tutoring Philosophical Arguments

At the University Center for Writing-based Learning (UCWbL), you may have a writer come in that is intimidated because they have to draft a paper that provides…

Accessibility New Tutors

The Importance of Universal Language in Writing Center Appointments

One of my favorite parts about the Writing Center is that it is a place where all kinds of people meet. In one day, you may be…

New Tutors Social Justice

Anti-Racist Tutoring

As tutors at a Writing Center, we have duties to work toward anti-racism at the University Center for Writing-based Learning (UCWbL). Historically, writing centers have been founded…

New Tutors Peer Writing Tutoring

Explaining the Obvious

One of the things I’ve noticed about my job as generalist writing tutor is that it often requires difficult explanations. Most often, these will be grammatical or…

New Tutors Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Tutoring Writers with Dyslexia

By: Izzy Rothberg and Nawaal Farooq There are a lot of common misconceptions about those who have dyslexia and this is especially perpetuated by how people with…

Multilingualism New Tutors

Normalizing the Knowledge: Building a Space for Multilingual Tutoring

As a long-time member of the The Collaborative For Multilingual Writing & Research(CMWR) here at DePaul’s University Center for Writing-based Learning (UCWbL), it’s easy for me to…

New Tutors Peer Writing Tutoring

Tutoring Argument Development: The “So What” Concept

Before diving into the process of teaching peer writers about argument development, we must first make sure that we fully understand these concepts ourselves! By doing so,…