Accessibility Peer Writing Tutoring

Accommodation Station

Overview Our project focused on the ideas of accommodations within the Writing Center, and how they can be implemented to better experiences for both writers and tutors.…

Peer Writing Tutoring Research

Power Dynamics in Writing Tutoring

Power and authority seem to have nothing to do with writing tutoring or writing centers, the place well known for its three Cs: “coffee, cookies, and couches”…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Providing Feedback on Creative Writing

Through our research on Writing Center pedagogy and creative writing tutoring, we established five main focuses that can help prepare and enable tutors to provide the best…

New Media Peer Writing Tutoring

Multi, Multi, & Multi: Multimodality’s Place in the Writing Center

In my first year of being a Writing Center tutor, I can now proudly say I haven’t had a single synchronous appointment about writing. Those who know…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Proposing a Hierarchy of Concerns for Stories

Introduction As someone who loves to read and write stories, I know firsthand how subjective they can be. Personal preference alone can decide whether a reader praises…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Collaborative Tutoring: Helping Writers Take the Lead

In my recent project for WRD 395, I explored how collaborative learning can improve peer tutoring. Collaborative tutoring aims to work with writers, not just help them.…

New Tutors Peer Writing Tutoring

Power of the Peer vs Power of the Teacher

For my tutoring inquiry project, I chose to analyze the differences in effectiveness between peer feedback and teacher feedback.  DOWNSIDE OF PEER FEEDBACK Teachers use experience and…

New Tutors Peer Writing Tutoring

Who Are We As Tutors?

This is my first year as a Writing Center peer tutor, and all I can say is that I love it. In my academic experience, I never…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Let’s Get Creative: Tips and Tricks for Tutoring Creative Pieces in the Writing Center

As rewarding as being a Peer Writing Tutor can be, the constant influx of research essays, rhetorical analyses, and other typical academic papers can get a bit…

Peer Writing Tutoring

Tutoring and Stage Directing

Preface I do not tend to direct particularly literary work. I think people often conflate Writing Center practices with editing plays. While I am a dramaturg and…