Peer Writing Tutoring

The Godfather Part III, High School French, and Conversation Partners

I sat through four years of high school French—four long, hard, years. That’s four years of snarkily pronouncing “bonjour” as “bon-jur.” Four years of counting the seconds…

Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring

Conversation Partner Appointments: Why They Are Awesome

At the UCWbL, we talk a lot about best practices, and we work hard every quarter to refine and perfect our approaches to all kinds of tutoring…

Peer Writing Tutoring

Make a Date and Kiss Your Lonely White Space Blues Goodbye

Dear Head: I’ve found myself feeling alone sometimes in the UCWbL. I look around and everyone is working one-on-one with writers. I see them setting agendas, writing…

Peer Writing Tutoring

Dress to Impress When It Comes To Scheduling: Writing Fellows Style

Dear Head: I’m worried about my time management skills. How can I make sure to keep track of my appointments?—Dressed to Impress in McGaw Dear Dressed to Impress,…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

One Step At A Time

Good morning, UCWbLers and other writing-loving friends! Now that the autumn quarter is in full swing, we asked one of our new UCWbL writing tutors and graduate…

Peer Writing Tutoring

The Royal We: How Pronouns Affect Collaboration

Sometimes when I’m writing my tutor logs, I need to remind myself that we didn’t read the paper aloud, the writer counting off “1 – 2 –…

Peer Writing Tutoring

Respect Our Authoritah: Tutor Authority

A writer sat down for his session and told me that he’d been working in finance for years, and he was only enrolled in the School for…

Peer Writing Tutoring Research

It Ain’t ‘Bout You: Putting the Writer First

A frantic writer sat in front of me with an assignment due two hours following his appointment. This writer, an ESL student, wanted to fix the grammar…

Peer Writing Tutoring

The ‘Power of Peerness’ in the College Classroom

What do you think of Teacher’s Assistants, and how are they distinct from peer tutors? In “The ‘Model Tutor’ In the Classroom: But Which Model Works?” from…

Peer Writing Tutoring

Paper fists: keep the personal out of it

Imagine, if you will, a tutoring appointment. You are reading a writer’s paper and all you can manage to think is “No.” We have all, at least…