Peer Writing Tutoring

Getting Creative at the Writing Center

Typically, a peer tutor in the Writing Center will come across many academic, research-driven assignments. On the other end of the spectrum lies creative works, such as…

New Tutors Peer Writing Tutoring

How to Approach a Brainstorming Appointment

What is the value? It can be hugely intimidating for both the tutor and writer when a student arrives with nothing prepared. These brainstorming sessions can sometimes…

Peer Writing Tutoring

The Toulmin Model: UCWbL Edition

So what’s this all about? Hi fellow readers and writers! For my final project in our tutor training class, I chose to research and present the Toulmin…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

The Mad Lib from Hell: Three Alternatives to Traditional Outlining

Mad Libs are fun and zany, while traditional outlines can be tedious, limiting, and confusing. Although both involve filling in the blanks within a designated format, Mad…

Peer Writing Tutoring

Working with PR Writers (and Beyond) at the UCWbL

At the UCWbL, we work with writers from a variety of different academic and professional disciplines. Yet, for the most part, when I talk to friends and…

Peer Writing Tutoring

Identity Consciousness in Peer Tutoring

When asked to research and present on a facet of tutoring for my final project for WRD395: Writing Center Theory and Pedagogy, I originally decided to focus…

Multilingualism Peer Writing Tutoring Professional Development

Top Three Struggles That Could Occur in EAL Appointments

I know that I’ve run into a wall when working with EAL writers. Often, I’ll get stumped on trying to explain grammar rules, sentence structure, and all…

Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring Scrawl Radio

Scrawl S19 E5: Peer Tutor and Mentor Summit

Good Day Scrawl Nation! Today we sat down with our fellow peer tutors, Will and Andrew, to chat about the Peer Tutor and Mentor Summit! The Peer…

Peer Writing Tutoring

The Similarities Between Teaching Writing and Teaching Music

When looking at writing and music on a surface level, it seems as though the two share nothing but a verb. But when examining further into how…

Peer Writing Tutoring

6 Things Writing Tutors Wish You Knew About Writing Centers

Writing centers are becoming a mainstay on more and more college campuses. As a result, they are becoming a resource that gets used by more and more…