
When considering a career, use data as a guide

One of the best sources of information for career planning and guidance comes from the United States government. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) not only reports  on national employment…

New Media Research Writing about Writing

On Open Access Scholarship

“Open Science, Open Minds.” That’s the slogan of Intech, an online resource with a wealth of science journals (and books) available for download, for free! I remember stumbling…

New Media Outreach and Events Research Writing about Writing

What is YOUR favorite Chicago used bookstore?

With the closing of Borders, it’s starting to seem like there are more used bookstores in Chicago than first-hand bookstores. Certainly used bookstores ARE “green” — keeping…

Outreach and Events Research Writing about Writing

Why Can’t Shakespeare Go to Jail?: Thoughts on Literature Banned from American Prisons

Banned Books Week is an annual time to recognize and contemplate the “objectionable” literature in America: texts that sects of society have deemed morally, religiously, sexually, racially,…

Outreach and Events Research

Research Team to Present at MWCA Conference This Week

Exciting things are happening for the Research Team, not the least of which is our upcoming presentation at this year’s Midwest Writing Centers Association conference. This year…


Ill it er ah see: A Look at a Fundamental Problem in U.S. Education

Note: The writer apologizes for the cheesiness of this post; it could not be helped. The United States has failed in educating much of its population. In…

Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring Research

Research Team Presents In-Service, Crowd Goes Wild

This morning the Research Team led the second in-service of the autumn quarter.  For the past year the Team has been assessing the effectiveness of UCWbL practices…

Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring Research Writing about Writing

Research Team In-Service

Attention, UCWbLers! Research Team here! Have you ever wanted to know how students feel about your work as tutors? Have you ever wondered how many tutorials the…

Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring Research

Mirror, mirror on the wall which is the English-est English of them all?

In preparation for a workshop this fall, the Collaborative for Multilingual Writing and Research (CMWR) has been doing a lot of research on American accents and dialects.…

New Media Research

Global Voices: Perspectives on Linguistic Diversity

The UCWbL’s Collaborative for Multilingual Writing and Research (CMWR) has just published the first issue of Global Voices, an electronic magazine that features creative and academic texts…