Writing about Writing

Finals & Final Drafts: Revising

Although it is arguably the most important stage of the writing process, revision is often misunderstood or avoided altogether. Revision means thinking critically about the choices we’ve…

Writing about Writing

“Just Write, Right?”: Drafting

I talked about getting the writing process started with some prewriting strategies in my last post, so now we get to put the products of those strategies…

Writing about Writing

Thinking it Through: Prewriting Strategies

Last week, I talked about the writing process from a very broad perspective: prewriting, drafting, and revising. With a holistic view of the steps that go into…

Writing about Writing

“I’m a Bad Writer”: Owning Your Writing Process

When I was just starting out as a writing tutor, I was always concerned with whether I was giving the writers I worked with the “right” or…

Writing about Writing

The Plight of the Cite

If you’re like me and you got to college relying on the EasyBib gods for your MLA Works Cited page, you were probably shaken to your very…

Writing about Writing

Becoming a Published Author

Publication is an exciting opportunity that allows a writer to share their work with a broader audience and to establish themselves in their field. When I finished…

Writing about Writing

Funny UCWbL Origin Stories

While some UCWbLers want to make sure that they dress to impress, other tutors are bold enough to remove their eyebrow during a job interview. Enjoy some…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

The Mad Lib from Hell: Three Alternatives to Traditional Outlining

Mad Libs are fun and zany, while traditional outlines can be tedious, limiting, and confusing. Although both involve filling in the blanks within a designated format, Mad…

Writing about Writing

Zines 101

What is a zine? A zine is a genre that originally worked as a counter-culture method of information sharing. The format started as fan groups of media…

Writing about Writing

SCRAWL S19 E3: Cross-Culturalism & Multilingual Writing

Greetings from Scrawl!! This Friday morning we had a great discussion about cross-culturalism and working with multilingual writers. With Mark L. of the CMWR team on as…