Writing about Writing

Featured UCWbLer: Destiny P.

Destiny P. is a second-year UCWbLer who has worked as a Peer Writing Tutor, Writing Fellow, Workshops Facilitator, Receptionist, and a Writing Group Facilitator. All of her…

Writing about Writing

Ways to be a Literary Activist

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with political responsibility now that democracy in the United States is slowly beginning to morph into fascism. In the past year, I have…

Writing about Writing

A Peek Into Writing Center Culture

What do you think of when you hear the word culture? Most might think of world cultures. Yet, culture can revolve around fandoms, sports, clubs, workplaces, and…

Writing about Writing

Featured UCWbLer: Jake D.

Meet Jake D. Jake D. is one of the University Center for Writing-based Learning’s Head Writing Tutors. He has many responsibilities at the UCWbL and explains how…

Writing about Writing

The Whitewashed Narrative: Mental Health

So, here’s the thing. Right now everyone seems to have a hot take on mental health thanks in large part to this new Netflix series, 13 Reasons…

Writing about Writing

Time and Space: World Building in Creative Writing

Where do you start creating a fictional or fantasy world? This question pops into my head every time I begin a story because setting is so crucial. If…

Writing about Writing

Another Case of Imposter Syndrome

When I tell people I’m a writing major, and I work at the writing center the automatic response is, “Oh! So you’re like, really good at writing?”…

Writing about Writing

Evan R. On Writing With Music: A Caveat

Reilly W. recently wrote a great post on writing with music. She explains how music is integral to her writing process, and shares a playlist of songs…

Writing about Writing

Creative Writing: Where Does Inspiration Come From?

There’s nothing worse than feeling completely and utterly stuck. Giraffe-stuck-in-quicksand-and-going-through-the-five-stages-of-grief stuck. While you’d love to write a story, you just can’t seem to find the drive or…

Writing about Writing

The Snow, the Airport, its People, and My Journal

It was the fall of 2014 and I had lost the ability to notice when the leaves changed color and to write without relying on a class…