Writing about Writing

Remembering your Writing from Years Ago

Back in fifth grade, everyone in our class was required to write an essay about what we liked about living in the United States. Our teacher told…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Why I Like What I Do

When I explain to people that I am a  writing tutor at the UCWbL, people often assume that I am an English or WRD major. Perhaps even…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Pre-Writing: Why it is an important part of the writing process

I am sure most people have heard of the term “pre-writing,” but many people either do their writing without much premeditation or are unaware of their pre-writing…

Writing about Writing

Five Writing Habits to Give Up for Lent

It’s Lent!! Which means for Catholics, it’s time for the annual “give up something” decision. But we’re more than a week in, and, if you’re like me, you…

Peer Writing Tutoring Research Writing about Writing

Research Round Up: When Content Becomes Tutoring

A collaborative blog post written by Jennifer Fu. and Maggie J. Imagine this: you, the tutor, just received a draft to give written feedback on a writer’s…

New Media Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Creative Writing in the UCWbL: Fan Fiction

Fan Fiction (n.); fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc. (Google). Sounds like a bizarre type of piece to…

New Media Peer Writing Tutoring Research Writing about Writing

Face to Screen: The Future of Face to Face Appointments?

Technology is steadily increasing in prevalence in our everyday lives, which is reflected in our UCWbL appointments. Laptops are an essential part of work in the UCWbL.…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

My Bloody, Bloody Valentine: Creating Paradox in Writing

  Valentine’s Day is that time of year when you want to be noticed. That time of year when everything is red and beautiful and pink. That…

Multilingualism Writing about Writing

Love and Other Languages

Every time someone says “I love you,” it’s a quote. This point came up in an English class I took here at DePaul. Lovers in the grips…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing


What’s on my mind?  Coffee.   Actually, the need for coffee.  Hot caffeinated  goodness; and, the happiness, burst of energy, and focus it brings. You see, coffee is…