Writing about Writing

We Didn’t Start the Readout

Banned Books Week offers avid readers like ourselves the chance to rejoice in the literature that has been banned nationally over the years. For many, it’s a…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

How to Remix Your Writing

This fall quarter, I am in my Senior year Capstone  course for the Geography department (GEO 300).  For the nerdy academic types out there, the Capstone can…

Writing about Writing

UCWbLing 101 Staff Training Inservice

Agenda Share: what blogs do you read? Discuss: why does the UCWbL have a blog? Brainstorm blog topics in groups Read & Reflect: “How to Write an…

Writing about Writing

UCWbL Treat Wednesday: Round 2

Sorry for the delay, dear readers! Everybody here at the UCWbL has been super busy: between writing, reading, and moving, last Wednesday just so happened to be…

Writing about Writing

7 Tips for Clearer Writing

Looking for ways to make your writing more concise? You’re not alone. Even the most accomplished wordsmith wants her meaning to be more apparent, her ideas more…

Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Dear CMWR, Thanks for Collaborating

Joining the Collaborative for Multilingual Writing and Research this past winter quarter has helped me achieve my professional, personal, and academic goals. More than that, it’s also…

Writing about Writing

The UCWbL Treat Wednesday

I’m not sure if everybody knows, but the writing center is open this summer! We’re here in the loop on the 16th floor, so if you have…

Writing about Writing

Best Practices for Web Writing

You have something important to write and the web is your billboard. Unfortunately, it’s easy for even the most inspiring message, novel idea, or life-changing bit of…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Staying On Track with Soundtracks

It seems like this year UCWbLing has been filled with posts about music to listen to as you write. I for one am loving this trend; not…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Getting Another Perspective

Reflecting on my past appointments, I think that, sometimes, when a writer hasn’t wanted to be tutored or has been resistant to tutoring, it’s because they don’t…