Writing about Writing

Graphology: Can Handwriting Styles Say Something About You?

Hey folks, take a few moments to think about this: it’s always entertaining to put stock in all kinds of ideologies that are fun and quirky, especially…

New Media Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Preparing My First Inservice

On February 18, I presented my first inservice (a staff professional development event for UCWbLers) about Using Assistive Technology in Writing Centers and, thankfully, I didn’t have…

Writing about Writing

An Ever Expanding Selection of Vocabulary

According to the linguists Steven Weisler and Slavoljub P. Milekic, in their book Theory of Language, they estimate that “an average-educated English-speaking adult knows more than 50,000 words.” Most…

Writing about Writing

Being an EDGE at the UCWbL

What is the DePaul’s EDGE Program? The DePaul EDGE Program is a year-long program that provides a select group of first-year students with an opportunity to participate…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Job Perks of the UCWbL

In my job experiences as a college student, I’ve always basked in the tiny perks that come with the work. I used to work at a suit…

New Media Outreach and Events Research Writing about Writing

Looking Back on IWCW: The UCWbL & Social Media

As many of you may know, last week was a very exciting week for writing centers around the world. It was International Writing Centers Week! Part of…

Peer Writing Tutoring Research Writing about Writing

The UCWbL on American Idol (SPOILER ALERT: Simon gets fired)

You can take a peer writing tutor out of the UCWbL, but you can’t take the UCWbL out of a peer writing tutor.  One quarter into my…

Writing about Writing

Writing and Democracy: Encouraging Participation as Peer Tutors

The UCWbL mission statement says that writing is a component to participation in democracy. However, I recently became curious as to whether or not participation among young…

Writing about Writing

Dear Heads

Dear UCWbLers, We hope you are all having a lovely quarter. Many of you have been asking questions, or have been looking for advice. We hope that…

New Media Writing about Writing

I Actually Like Your Facebook Status

Who doesn’t love family reunions? Food. Rolling through traffic for a  couple hours. Food. Being questioned about your college major and plans for the rest of your…