The UCWbL Workshops Team is off to a busy start in the 2014 Autumn Quarter! We have already facilitated several in-class workshops on the topics of Digication,…
Category: Writing about Writing
Lessons, tips, and reflections on being writers; especially discussing the process of composing words, different genres and their related techniques, and meaningful glimpses into their growth as authors, tutors, and readers.
We’ve all been there. You have a paper due (tomorrow!), and as you sit there staring at your computer screen, the words just will not come. How…
Agenda Share: what blogs do you read? Discuss: why does the UCWbL have a blog? Brainstorm blog topics in groups Read & Reflect: “How to Write an…
Hello Scrawl Nation! This week’s episode of Scrawl Radio was all about SNL. And while this SNL doesn’t have Tina Fey or Amy Poehler as alumni, the…
As students, teachers, and writers, we know many things. We know about events. We know information and data and facts. Most likely, we are familiar with this…
The Outreach Team is excited to start talking about DePaul University’s fifth Peer Tutor and Mentor Summit, which will be taking place on Friday, October 31, 2014…
As I sit here in the Loop location of the UCWbL (because frankly, where else would I be?), I cannot believe that spring quarter is almost finished.…
Despite the e-Portfolio maintenance, the quarterly inservices, coffee and commenting, or work you do with the team you’re on, our jobs at the Writing Center come down…
Spring weather has finally decided to come to Chicago, and it was just in time for the CMWR’s Walk and Talk to Chinatown.
According to one of my favorite pirates, Jack Sparrow, “The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can’t…