Writing about Writing

Scrawl Episode S9 E9

Writing about Writing

My Favorite Go-To Place for Writing: Why I Love The Writing Center

Since my first encounter with the writing center during my freshman year, I have considered it a very useful place for me to go whenever I need…

Writing about Writing

UCWbLove: The Complete Guide to Remedying Your Dating Life Through the Writing Center Part II

Is your relationship growing as cold as the winter is this year? Are you having difficulty finding love amidst the subzero temperatures? Well UCWbLove is back and…

Multilingualism Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

“Out and About” in Paris

When the CMWR facilitated the workshop, “Out and About: A Short Guide to City Living” on February 24, I was devastated that I could not be there,…

Writing about Writing

Confessions of a Writing Tutor

Romantic? Comedic? Filled with hardworking values? You betcha. Welcome to Confessions of –not a shopaholic– of an UCWbLer! Confession: I love editing.  I think writing tutors, mechanics-masters,…

Writing about Writing

MLA, APA and Chicago Step into the Ring

MLA, APA, Chicago…so many citation styles, and yet, so little time to sufficiently learn them all. Each citation style is specific to its own field, and as…

Multilingualism Writing about Writing

Learn Another Language, Ya Dingus!

Bilingual education in America isn’t exactly up to snuff when looked at in comparison to the global stage. Only about 20 percent of Americans speak more than…

Multilingualism Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Language Limbo: An UCWbLer in Paris

There’s nothing more frustrating than not being able to articulate a simple point – in any language. I struggle enough trying to formulate coherent sentences in French,…

Writing about Writing

The Merits of Being Awful

Lit magazines are the heart of collegiate writing, especially for creative writers. Where else will self-conscious english majors be able to get their writing published? Getting published…

Multilingualism Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

From homemade cookies to café au lait: My role reversal as an UCWbLer in Paris

Whenever discussions in past CMWR events became heated, I knew I could rely on my ever-relatable, tattered crutch: I’m a language learner, too. Book Club already felt…