Writing can be a messy, tumultuous process. Here’s how I tackle writing and revision.
Category: Writing about Writing
Lessons, tips, and reflections on being writers; especially discussing the process of composing words, different genres and their related techniques, and meaningful glimpses into their growth as authors, tutors, and readers.
As writers, students, instructors, and interesting people, many of us have either produced or consumed weblogs. But have you ever dabbled with ePortfolios!? At DePaul University, we…
Links and “Jesus Freaks”
A Blog within a blog… Since the beginning of my cracky-voice, adolescent years I’ve always had an interest in writing a really cool blog. I aspired to…
When’s the last time you were surfing the web and came across a link that BEGGED you to click it? A headline that was clearly The Most…
UCWbLing 101
Agenda Share: what blogs do you read? Discussion: why does the UCWbL have a blog? Read: “How to Write an Effective Blog Post” Brainstorm blog topics Blog
Have you ever found yourself asking the question, “How do I cite this?” I know I have. Well, on Tuesday, October 8, the CMWR hosted its Autumn…
The Blank Page
It’s a writer’s worst enemy, that blank page – all empty and looming and devoid of creative spark. It taunts us with possibility. ‘What should I write?’…
Today on the UCWbL blog, new UCWbLer Hannah Bender has some excellent advice for those among us who yearn for that occasionally elusive “A” at the top…
We’re Halfway There!
It’s hard to believe, but it’s already time for midterms here at DePaul! As the pressure mounts, we at the UCWbL just wanted to take a minute…
Beautiful Lines
I’d rather not think about what this says about the world, but nearly a month later the universe is still abuzz with talk of Miley Cyrus and…