Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

One Step At A Time

Good morning, UCWbLers and other writing-loving friends! Now that the autumn quarter is in full swing, we asked one of our new UCWbL writing tutors and graduate…

Writing about Writing

Idioms, You So Crazy

Idioms are fun. They can also tickle your funny bone when understood literally as demonstrated by JustKiddingFilms. Their short films, If Idioms Were Real and If Idioms…

Writing about Writing

Multilingual Mics Episode 2: Feeling Creative? Writing in Other Languages

Hey everybody! Multilingual Mics is back with our second (and final) episode of the school year! This week in “Feeling Creative? Writing in Other Languages,” we sat…

Writing about Writing

Check out the brand new DePaul Writers Guild website!

Thanks to the efforts of the UCWbL dynamic duo Mark Brand and Mark Jacobs, the DePaul Writers Guild has a website for your viewing and reading enjoyment.

Writing about Writing

Can you teach creativity?

In the June 2013 issue of Harper’s, columnist Thomas Frank approaches this question from a refreshing angle: it turns out we’re pretty confident that you can teach creativity,…

Writing about Writing

Multilingual Mics Launches!

We here at the Collaborative for Multilingual Writing and Research are excited to publish the first ever episode of our new podcast, Multilingual Mics! We’ll be talking…

Writing about Writing

Declare War on Writer’s Block! : Trends and New Ideas for Short Story Prompts

“A mad scientist approaches you with an offer—he will heighten one of your senses, but it will make one of your other senses duller. It isn’t optional;…

Writing about Writing

Uhm… Did I Just Go Too Far?

In creative writing there is this invisible line that so many of us are afraid to cross: how much reality should we use in our fiction without…

Writing about Writing

Résumés: Think outside the .DOC

If you’re graduating this spring, you’re probably feeling a little more optimistic about the US job market than you might have a couple of years ago.  Still,…

Writing about Writing

Pass that Hater-ade!

I realize I’m really late to the party on this one, but just as Sam discussed last week, it’s healthy to knock your idols down a few…