Writing about Writing

Declare War on Writer’s Block! : Trends and New Ideas for Short Story Prompts

“A mad scientist approaches you with an offer—he will heighten one of your senses, but it will make one of your other senses duller. It isn’t optional;…

Writing about Writing

Uhm… Did I Just Go Too Far?

In creative writing there is this invisible line that so many of us are afraid to cross: how much reality should we use in our fiction without…

Writing about Writing

Résumés: Think outside the .DOC

If you’re graduating this spring, you’re probably feeling a little more optimistic about the US job market than you might have a couple of years ago.  Still,…

Writing about Writing

Pass that Hater-ade!

I realize I’m really late to the party on this one, but just as Sam discussed last week, it’s healthy to knock your idols down a few…

Writing about Writing

5 Ways to Kick Start Your Creative Writing Process

Creative writing is hard. Like, really, really hard. While I can bang out an academic paper in no time at all, I find myself agonizing over the…

Writing about Writing

Islamophobia in America

When I go running on Belmont Avenue, I feel like I belong. Skateboarding with my flat mates off Wilson, it’s casual. My presence is primarily ignored, sometimes…

Writing about Writing

The 6 best hip-hop songs about writing

More so than any other genre of music, hip-hop is steeped in language and wordplay, so it’s only natural that many of the greatest hip-hop performers are…

Writing about Writing

How a Dream Team Works: Perspectives on Cooperative Learning

When was the last time you were part of a ‘group project?’ Were you the leader? The slacker? Somewhere in between? At DePaul, it’s pretty common to…

Writing about Writing

The Importance of Engagement

I come from a background in media, so the concept of “engagement”, is quite familiar to me, at least in regards to social media. However, after having…

Writing about Writing

The 15,000 Year Old Language

What do the words spit, ashes, give, man, and worm all have in common? If you believe this recent study by researchers at the University of Reading…