Writing about Writing

5 Ways to Kick Start Your Creative Writing Process

Creative writing is hard. Like, really, really hard. While I can bang out an academic paper in no time at all, I find myself agonizing over the…

Writing about Writing

Islamophobia in America

When I go running on Belmont Avenue, I feel like I belong. Skateboarding with my flat mates off Wilson, it’s casual. My presence is primarily ignored, sometimes…

Writing about Writing

The 6 best hip-hop songs about writing

More so than any other genre of music, hip-hop is steeped in language and wordplay, so it’s only natural that many of the greatest hip-hop performers are…

Writing about Writing

How a Dream Team Works: Perspectives on Cooperative Learning

When was the last time you were part of a ‘group project?’ Were you the leader? The slacker? Somewhere in between? At DePaul, it’s pretty common to…

Writing about Writing

The Importance of Engagement

I come from a background in media, so the concept of “engagement”, is quite familiar to me, at least in regards to social media. However, after having…

Writing about Writing

The 15,000 Year Old Language

What do the words spit, ashes, give, man, and worm all have in common? If you believe this recent study by researchers at the University of Reading…

Writing about Writing

Is Chicago the only city with a flag?

The answer is no, but Roman Mars at 99% Invisible can explain why Chicago’s is the best. Judging by the the North American Vexillological Society’s five principles of flag design,…

Writing about Writing

Oh, now that’s awkward…

Sometimes, for some people, being an undergraduate tutor is just not good enough. Most students don’t really pay much attention, don’t even bother to ask, especially our…

Writing about Writing

Read 17 years of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s weird notes to himself

When you read the private journals and miscellany of famous authors and artists, you feel embarrassed, humbled, and surprised all at once.  It can come as a shock that the…

Writing about Writing

Being effective while being directive

Directive tutoring has been on my mind for a couple of weeks now, ever since re-working my UCWbL portfolio to be specific, so I figured it was…