Writing about Writing

Suck It Up and Take It

I usually have no problem taking criticism. Well, not when it comes to my writing at least. I know the value of a workshop class and I…

Writing about Writing

Lingo Unchained

Since 1976, Lake Superior State University has compiled an annual list of words and phrases that its creators would like to expunge from the English language.  When…

Writing about Writing

Who’s Speaking? Who’s Listening? Who’s Writing? Who’s Reading?

This week in Conversation & Culture we spent some time talking about vocabulary level. An article we read about Chinese New Year celebrations had used the word…

Writing about Writing

The Power of Organization

I am one of those people that can be fondly referred to as anally organized. It’s rare that I ever throw anything out for class or work.…

Writing about Writing

eniltuO esreveR ot woH

Revising has always been tough for me. I always bleed out my papers very slowly, revising as I go. When the paper’s finished, then, I have a…

Writing about Writing

Which Grammar ‘Rules’ Do You Adhere To?

Latin scholars, how much are you bothered by the following statements?: ‘Chicago is the kind of town I’d like to live in.’ ‘To hardly think is hard…

Writing about Writing

A Tale of Two Classrooms: US Culture & the University Classroom

Some of you might have heard the idiom “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”  For international students learning to navigate the American classroom, it might…

Writing about Writing

Translating Love: An Exploration of Love and Language

On the week of this most auspicious festival of amorousness, that is, International Writing Center Week plus Valentine’s Day, I feel it’s important to note the sheer…

Writing about Writing

Writing by Hand: A Dying Art

Short of between the walls of the UCWbL, whenever I mention that my writing process includes first writing out an outline, a list of quotes/research in general,…

Writing about Writing

Aloud! returns for International Writing Centers Week

On Monday, the Lincoln Park Student Center hosted the second installment of DePaul’s new writing series Aloud! The series, begun in 2012 and sponsored by the University Center for…