Writing about Writing

Prompting Confidence

The prompt based paper. All college students, and most high school students, have faced this kind of paper, essay, word-based thing, save for those who have somehow…

Writing about Writing

As it turns out, George Saunders loves revision, too

Last month, the DePaul Humanities Center invited George Saunders to read from his newest story collection, The Tenth of December, which is, according to The New York Times, already the…

Writing about Writing

What’s in a Square?

In Conversation & Culture yesterday, one partaker pointed out that Chicago doesn’t really have anywhere to gather, at least not in a way he expected. New Year’s…

Writing about Writing

DeNo-What-Bre?!: The Painful Process of Creative Writing

I’ve always wanted to participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo); there’s something romantic and adventurous about a group of over-caffeinated writers typing furiously to beat their…

Writing about Writing

The Danger of “Peerness”

It is no secret that here at the UCWbL, we pride ourselves on practicing the concept of “peerness”. From peer tutors to peer writing fellows, we always…

Writing about Writing

#tutorproblems: That Guilty Feeling that Comes with Editing

Here at the UCWbL we a pretty straight forward philosophy: everyone who writes is a writer, all writers can improve through revision, but these theories do not…

Writing about Writing

SNL Advanced Projects: 10 Tips for a Strong Start

The curriculum of DePaul’s School for New Learning requires SNL students to complete an “Advanced Project,” similar to a capstone or thesis project that concludes your academic…

Writing about Writing

Expand Ya Brain Goop: The Perspective Shift Underlying Foreign Language Acquisition

Living in Chicago, you often need to orient yourself with cardinal directions. The red line goes north and south; the blue line takes two diagonal routes to…

Writing about Writing

“Liked It, Didn’t Love It”: Covering Scripts in Hollywood

The most observant UCWbLing readers may have noticed that I was absent from the blog this past fall. As part of the DePaul University Digital Cinema LA…

Writing about Writing

Writing What You Know in the Digital Age

Anyone who knows me well, knows I have a saying. “I’m always right because I only speak about what I know.” Obnoxious, maybe, but definitely logical. And…