Shameless publicity stunt, or ingenious productivity boost? Maneesh Sethi, who blogs for Hack the System, made news by hiring somebody to slap him every time he got off…
Category: Writing about Writing
Lessons, tips, and reflections on being writers; especially discussing the process of composing words, different genres and their related techniques, and meaningful glimpses into their growth as authors, tutors, and readers.
“Love? What in the world does love mean? How am I supposed to understand what you mean when you say love?” This was, more or less, said…
Students from all corners of the world have joined the CMWR in reading Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, Jamie Ford’s bestselling and award-winning novel.…
In the United States, we do elections big. Between the daytime horse race and primetime debates, there’s the pricetag. The total spent on advertising from candidates, parties and outside…
So, for most of us, the fast-approaching winter break means an end to productivity. It’s the holidays, right? Who wants to practice their writing when there is…
Think Before You Speak…
… My mother always said. Did I ever listen to her? No, not really. I just filed those words away with all of the other advice she…
My Process through Pronouns
Throughout my stay at the UCWbL, I’ve overheard and participated in conversations about which pronoun(s) should be used to indicate singular gender neutrality. To be frank, I’ve…
Looking for a fun, catchy way to learn language? Listen to music! On Monday, October 22nd, the CMWR hosted our quarterly workshop on precisely this idea. Participants…
Getting Better All the Time
You think you have it bad? I certainly thought so. Like many writers, I have a love-hate relationship with our trade. My composing process is riddled with…
Okay, so here in Chicago we’re pretty far away from Hurricane Sandy and the watery apocalypse prophesied for the East Coast – doesn’t mean we can’t get…