Writing about Writing

Learning in Three (or More) Dimensions

How clichéd can a writing workshop get, right? Picture it.  Half a dozen writers of various skill levels around a dining room table shuffling drafts back and…

Writing about Writing

Alif… Baa… Taa…

Now that I’ve been studying Classical Arabic nearly every day for the past month, I thought it would be a good time to step back and reflect…

Writing about Writing

4 Reasons Why Writers Make the Best Writing Teachers

“The best writing teachers are writers themselves,” argues Cindy O’Donnell-Allen in the Atlantic.  As she looks at the widely studied curriculum overhaul at New Dorp High School…

Writing about Writing

Ban Book Banning!

The first week of October is one of my favorites. I love the coming of fall, Halloween, and pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks. I also love the…

Writing about Writing

Reading, Writing, FUN!

Ever since I was little I have loved to read. Books were my television. I would imagine myself as one of the characters in the book, or…

Writing about Writing

The Art of Revision

I am a writer. I write — and up until last year, I absolutely, under no circumstances, did not re-write.

Writing about Writing

Making Money Through Writing?

For a while now I have been asking myself how I can make a career out of my writing. My immediate answer would be to write novels…

Writing about Writing

The Unpaid Internship – Cruel and Unusual or Necessary Evil?

Unfairness, thy name is unpaid internship. During one conversation appointment this week, I fell into something of a difficulty: having to explain why I had done so…

Writing about Writing

Blogging on Blogging

Blogs, blogging and bloggers all have a certain stigma attached to them. From “bored housewives” to “creepy internet stalkers”, the blog world usually gets a bad reputation.…

Writing about Writing

Banned Books: Thinking Outside the Our Borders

Most of us have heard  by now of the many books that Americans have tried to get banned—and have even succeeded in banning—over the years.  Some of…