Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Progressing Through Tutoring

Coming back for my second year at the UCWbL is a totally different experience than it was last year. Sure, the tutoring is the same and nothing…

Writing about Writing

Why I Write

A writer I recently tutored told me, albeit half-jokingly, that because she doesn’t enjoy writing, she doesn’t understand why people write. So here I am: writing to…

Writing about Writing

Announcing Global Voices

Narratives, photographs, reflections, research…Global Voices has it all!  Click here to access this years issue and to enjoy the work of DePaul University’s talented multilingual community. Global…

Writing about Writing

Hot Topics in Writing Explores Writing Taboos

Matt and Mo investigate the seamy side of the written word with their Taboo Topics in Writing episode. First, Tracey H. and Matthew F. divulge their most…

Writing about Writing

Quick Questions: On Strange Quotes

Part of our work at the Writing Center includes responding to questions asked by writers from within and beyond the DePaul community. By posting the questions from writers…

Writing about Writing

4 helpful websites for freelance writers

Can you write? Do you need some extra cash this summer? Depending on your level of desperation (hey, we’ve all been there), consider putting your mad writing…

Writing about Writing

Quick Questions: On Professional Bios

Question:  I am working on a professional bio. Can you tell me how to properly write this, specifically  how to write out the degrees (Masters, Master, master,…

Writing about Writing

Presenting the Best You: The Personal Statement

I think we can all agree, personal statements are the worst.  Hated and feared by the high schooler, and blacked out over the undergraduate years, it’s no…

Outreach and Events Writing about Writing

Review of the 2012 First-Year Program Writing Showcase

Mid-May brings with it lots of exciting signs of the end of yet another academic year… My favorite sign, (and whose planning committee I volunteer on throughout…

Writing about Writing

Paperback 4ever: A Reader’s Manifesto

I will be the first to admit that I’m a proud techie.  Gadgets, blogs, e-readers, and all things digital – bring them on.  But with reading, it’s…