Writing about Writing

Who You Are and What You Say: “Platform” and Writing

In any discussion of writing (particularly writing in order to be published), the conversation comes back to platform.  You may not have heard that term for it,…

Writing about Writing

Photos from the 2012 Peer Tutor & Mentor Summit

Thanks to the UCWbL’s Outreach Team for an awesome 2012 Peer Tutor and Mentor Summit!

Multilingualism Writing about Writing

National Poetry Month: “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”

This week’s installment for National Poetry Month is the ballad “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” by Goethe, a man best known for his contributions to literature as well as…

Multilingualism Writing about Writing

A Taste of Culture in Chicago’s Chinatown

Have you visited Chinatown yet?  You should! Chinatown is one of those neighborhoods that allows you to feel transported; you can pretend you are in a different…

Writing about Writing

Quick Questions: On Apostrophes

Question: Where do I use the apostrophe? I wanted to ensure our teams win. Is it team’s win or teams’ win? Or do I not use one?

Outreach and Events Writing about Writing

WRITE CLUB will infuse your life with meaning

I can see you now: despondent, lonely, doubtless trundling unlikely amounts of ice cream into your trembling food hole. You reach weakly for your notebook/laptop/what have you…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

When to Judge: on Evaluation in Tutorials

I try not to be too evaluative in my tutorials (or even my Written Feedback).  Of course, there’s always a time to reassure the writer that they’re…

Writing about Writing

UCWbL Director Gets Inaugural Teaching & Learning Certificate!

Congrats to Lauri Dietz on completing her Teaching and Learning Certificate.

New Media Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Support Something Cool: Graphic Textbooks

Ever wish you could have learned from something more engaging than dry old textbooks in elementary school?  Love comics and new media teaching?  Reading with Pictures, a…

Multilingualism Writing about Writing

Put a Poem in Your Pocket

The Collaborative for Multilingual Writing and Research’s second installment in celebration of National Poetry Month comes from the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. This coming Thursday, April 26th…