Outreach and Events Writing about Writing

Check Out Chicago Zine Fest This Weekend

Looking for something fun and literary to do, or a way to take a breather from finals?  Chicago Zine Fest has a variety of events today and…

New Media Writing about Writing

MLA adds format for citing tweets

Great news for social media-savvy UCWbLers – the Modern Language Association has rolled out the correct format for citing a tweet in an academic paper.  If you…

Writing about Writing

An Ode to the Lovely List

I have a confession to make: I absolutely love lists.  Writing them, reading them, going over them in my head – call it a compulsion, or a…

Multilingualism Writing about Writing

CMWR’s Friday Forum is Back!

The CMWR’s Friday Forum is up and running for Winter Quarter, and this conversation-based group reads through a short text on different aspects of American culture and…

New Media Research Writing about Writing

On Open Access Scholarship

“Open Science, Open Minds.” That’s the slogan of Intech, an online resource with a wealth of science journals (and books) available for download, for free! I remember stumbling…

Writing about Writing

Submit Your Work to Threshold – Submissions Deadline Now Extended!

Hi all!  Threshold, DePaul’s premier student-run literary journal, is still accepting submissions for its Spring 2012 issue.  Submit your fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, or dramatic literature to…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Taking Another Look At Editing as Tutoring

When I first signed up for my literary editing course, I didn’t really think it would have much in common with my tutoring job.  I mean, we’re…

Writing about Writing

“Very Short Stories”: Composing and Prose on Twitter

Comedian Sean Hill is bringing new meaning to the term “short story.”  His tiny tales (all of them under the 140-character limit imposed by Twitter) are strangely…

Outreach and Events Writing about Writing

Conferences and the Writing Process

Recently, I finally pushed past my fear of making purchases greater than a month’s rent and registered for this year’s Association of American Geographers (AAG) conference in…

Writing about Writing

Looking to Get Published? Submit Your Work to Threshold!

Threshold is DePaul’s premier student-run literary journal, and they’re accepting submissions now for the Spring 2012 issue!  If you’re a poet, a writer, or just someone interested…