Writing about Writing

Stay in & Chat with a Tutor!

With all this precipitation, trudging through the snow to the Writing Center might seem a little daunting. Luckily, the Writing Center is only a click away! The…

Writing about Writing

Welcome Back!

It’s a new term and we’re excited for Winter 2012 here at the UCWbL, so remember – it’s never too early in the year to get some…

Writing about Writing

It’s Procrastination Time Again!

What’s this, another post about procrastination during finals season?  A total surprise, I know.  But, dear UCWbLers, I have something to confess:  I had a really hard…

Writing about Writing

Things to do with those textbooks you can’t sell back

Did you spill coffee on the pages of Wuthering Heights? Did the campus book store clerk reject your pristine copy of Intro. to Biology, claiming that a new and…

New Media Outreach and Events Research Writing about Writing

What is YOUR favorite Chicago used bookstore?

With the closing of Borders, it’s starting to seem like there are more used bookstores in Chicago than first-hand bookstores. Certainly used bookstores ARE “green” — keeping…

Writing about Writing

Finals Inspiration from Jack Kerouac

Beyond the typographical errors (or stylistic choices? Hey, he’s following his own tip number 13.) of Jack Kerouac’s “Belief and Technique for Modern Prose” lie gems of…

New Media Writing about Writing

Top 5 Ways to Jazz Up your Digication e-Portfolio

So, most of my posts here on UCWbLing have been committed to DePaul’s fave portfolio tool: Digication. But, with finals week just around the corner (breathe), I…

Outreach and Events Writing about Writing

National Day on Writing 2011

On October 20th, the University Center for Writing-based Learning celebrated the National Day on Writing on both the Lincoln Park and Loop campuses.  The event was a…

Multilingualism New Media Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Exploring English and Having a Good Old Time Doing It

On Friday October 7, the Collaborative for Multilingual Writing and Research (CMWR) hosted our first Conversation Group, an initiative designed to address the needs of DePaul and…

Writing about Writing

Hot Topics in Writing Investigates Online Publications

Katie and Caylie wrap up their three-part series investigating different venues writers can have their works published or read. This episode focuses specifically on online publications. Listen…