It never fails. Finals approaching, deadlines hanging in the air, more projects to do than I can actually hold in my head at one time, and what…
Category: Writing about Writing
Lessons, tips, and reflections on being writers; especially discussing the process of composing words, different genres and their related techniques, and meaningful glimpses into their growth as authors, tutors, and readers.
As any English major will tell you, one of the joys of studying literature is that it provides one with plenty to read. Of course, I’ve found…
Sure, I feel a slight pang of jealousy whenever I see a writer compose his or her work using a sleek MacBook Air, but I do think such…
During the course of a conversation partner appointment with a student of English at DePaul University’s writing center, my partner and I stumbled onto a suggested technique…
I believe it was Marge Piercy who said, “If you want to be a writer, be a reader.” I think there is much practical, as well as…
*Co-written with Elliot Crumpley. The Collaborative for Multilingual Writing and Research (CMWR) held a workshop on October 3 focusing on American dialects. To this you might ask…
As a new member of the Writing Groups team—and a new tutor to boot—I was mystified by all the acronyms and new vocabulary I encountered during my…
As a new tutor with the UCWbL, my appointments so far have been either in person or via email. In both cases, I’ve felt in control of…
To some extent, getting people riled up is the goal of political writing. Opinions and discussions should be exciting, forceful, and most of all, persuasive. You want…
Banned Books Week is an annual time to recognize and contemplate the “objectionable” literature in America: texts that sects of society have deemed morally, religiously, sexually, racially,…