Outreach and Events Writing about Writing

Banned Books Week

Join the UCWbL in celebrating Banned Books Week! On Monday, September 26, from 10 am to 1 pm we’ll be reading from a selection of frequently banned,…

Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring Research Writing about Writing

Research Team In-Service

Attention, UCWbLers! Research Team here! Have you ever wanted to know how students feel about your work as tutors? Have you ever wondered how many tutorials the…

Writing about Writing

What Experience “Made a Writer Out of YOU?”

As we approach The National Day of Writing on October 20, it seems timely to look back on the experiences that brought us to cultivate our skills…

New Media Writing about Writing

Let’s Demystify the Writer

Some have appropriated unto the process of writing a somewhat romantic picture. We imagine our favorite writers hunched over desks, grumbling to themselves through sips of whiskey…

Writing about Writing

What Was YOUR First Book?

The books we read as children can have profound influence over us for the rest of our lives. Your first book can be like your first love…

Writing about Writing

CMWR analyzes “The Face on the Milk Carton”

Over the DePaul summer term, the CMWR held a weekly Book Club in collaboration with the English Language Academy, and our selection was the teen-fiction thriller The…

Writing about Writing

You might be a winner!: Rewarding bad writing

Here at the UCWbL, many of us believe in the value of “shitty first drafts,” an idea popularized by the writer Anne Lamott.  When beginning a piece,…

New Media Writing about Writing

How to Write Very Little

“Talking and eloquence are not the same,” Ben Jonson once observed.  “To speak, and to speak well, are two things.”  In his new book, Microstyle, Christopher Johnson,…

Writing about Writing

Creative Prompts for Writing

When you’re running short of ideas for your writing, there are a few methods via which you can try to get over the proverbial block that sits…

New Media Writing about Writing

I know I frequently offer websites to you all that I think will be useful to writers. But today I found one that I myself am going…