Multilingualism Writing about Writing

CMWR Grammar Series: Expletive Constructions

The Basics Expletive constructions are phrases like “there is”, “here are”, and “it seems” that typically serve to introduce the content of a sentence. Just because a…

Writing about Writing

Don’t write for the void: Thinking intentionally about sharing your work

Whether we recognize it or not, most art involves writing in some way, be it scribbles on a paper napkin about an idea for a new painting,…

Writing about Writing

How to Make Capstone Writing (a bit) Less Nerve Wracking

Now that all of your Gen Eds have been absolutely crushed by your awesomeness, only one stands between you and your degree: the Senior Capstone. This is…

Writing about Writing

The Lessons of Creative Writing

Months before I finally sank my teeth in the first Creative Writing workshop coursework of my bachelor’s degree, I started beta-reading seriously in 2019. I’d only ever…

Writing about Writing

Maintaining Voice in Academic Writing

As writers throughout our academic careers, one primary lesson we constantly learn is to find our own voices; our pieces should be reflective of our personalities. Writers find…

Writing about Writing

How Does Reading a Peers Writing Effect How You See Your Own?

As a student studying to be a high school English teacher, I was searching for an opportunity at DePaul that would help me grow into the educator…

Professional Development Writing about Writing

Becoming a Published Author: Quick Tips

Publication is an exciting opportunity that allows a writer to share their work with a broader audience, and also to establish themselves in their field. When I…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

The Intertwined Nature of Reading and Writing

“If you want to become a better writer, read more.” Since childhood I have heard this statement from those closest to me, from my grandfather, a huge…

Writing about Writing

Getting a Second, Third, or Fourth Pair of Eyes

So, you finally finished that piece of writing you have been working on for days, weeks, or months. This pile of words you’ve painstakingly crafted feel like…

Writing about Writing

Re-Envisioning Revision with EAL Writers

Learning a language is by no means an easy task; learning nuances like vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure the first time is difficult enough, but it can…