When taking the lead in a conversation partner appointment, it’s just as important as in any other appointment type to set an appointment agenda so that both involved understand how it will go. Going about this, however, can seem difficult when conversations can veer in nearly any direction, or when students themselves aren’t sure what they want to talk about. Even for tutors who understand that agenda-setting is an important step, figuring out what the agenda should be when there’s little to work off can be frustrating.
To combat this frustration, I took a look various scholarly resources in attempt to better understand conversation appointments, what factors influence them, and some ways that tutors might more easily set the agenda during conversation partner appointments.
The Research
The Speaking-Writing Connection in Second Language and Academic Literacy Development by D. Belcher & A. Hirvela offers up a review of exactly how speaking and writing are tied together and how when a student works on one skill, it invariably affects the other. While conversation partner appointments might seem to be quite distant from writing, that’s not the case, and knowing this can help shape future appointments. D. Belcher & A. Hirvela have examined this relationship and found that one’s writing can have an indirect influence on one’s speaking ability. Thus, understanding a writer’s background in writing can help to better set an agenda. If a tutor knows where a writer is coming from with regard to writing, this gives them more context for the student’s speaking abilities, and what they might come to the table knowing.
Breaking Ice and Setting Goals: Tips for Getting Started by Shanti Bruce offers great advice on this topic, stressing the importance and impact of setting goals for this appointment type. In short, Bruce’s work informs readers that during the goal-setting time period, it’s important to make sure it’s collaborative so that the student feels invested in the appointment. Additionally, making sure that the goal is written down and visible to the both of you can help ensure that you are both self-checking so that the conversation doesn’t swerve too off course.
Shanti Bruce returns to offer us advice in Tutoring Second Language Writers, which she edited with Ben Rafoth. They advise tutors to consider the past and future of the student they are working with. Knowing where a student is coming from, what their experience with English is, and what they plan on doing with it can help inform whatever agenda is set. If your student only plans on using English for business abroad (they won’t be living in an English-dominant country), then this can be a springboard for considering your agenda. In short, knowing their background is useful in giving context while also in narrowing down ideas.
Multilingual Writers and Writing Centers by Ben Rafoth offers some ideas regarding misunderstandings that happen with EAL learners and tutors. He defines the different types of misunderstandings which might happen during appointments and explains how a tutor can work around them, or how they might be rectified. The following are the types of troubles discussed and what they mean for the tutor as well as student:
- Simple misinterpretation: can be cleared up with brief explanation; something meant one way but understood in another
- Incomplete understanding: understanding is interrupted; student might have difficulty explaining an idea
All in all, Rafoth states that it is key for tutors and EAL learners to negotiate what is being said and what is meant. Tutors should give their tutee the time to explore and explain their thoughts before attempting to define what they mean, advice which is especially applicable in conversation partner appointments.
The Takeaway
When you’re a tutor in a conversation appointment, the key to success is ultimately keeping track of your agenda. While the agenda you set at the beginning might change, having it visible throughout helps both tutor and student know what they generally are focused on.
For a quick go-to when preparing for a conversation partner appointment, feel free to consult my handout on the topic below.
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