The approach of spring quarter midterms means tests, stress, but also e-portfolios! Whether you’re thinking of your WRD portfolios or job hunting come June graduation, it might be time to look to Digication for your e-portfolio needs. While browsing the pages viewable to digicators in the DePaul community, I found a great many portfolios designed by prospective teachers like Lindsey Stow.** E-portfolios, of course, are an effective tool for professionals looking to showcase their experiences in a way that is much more in depth than a brief resume.
That said, one element that made Lindsey’s profile stand out to me was her professional use of images throughout her portfolio.
Not only does her banner introduce the context of her page (as an educator’s professional portfolio), but it also subtly introduces her grade level(s) of focus by presenting elementary school children at work. Furthermore, the incorporation of an education relevant quote immediately introduces the viewer to her tutoring philosophy (the quote reads “Education is the movement from darkness to light -Allen Bloom”).
Another portfolio by Grace Johanna** showcases her photography through the creation of photo galleries. Galleries can serve a great many purposes, but they are especially handy for aspiring photographers looking to display their work, or for other portfolios with a great many photos to incorporate.
Keep in mind that images, just like written works, have authors, so we need to be mindful of which images we post to our e-portfolios. Consider using the selection features on Creative Commons or Google Images to make sure you aren’t trespassing upon the rights and licenses of an image’s creator. Of course, it’s always a nice idea to cite any images you use, perhaps by creating a “Photo Credits” page like Michael Moore did for his WRD 104 page. Of course, you can always grab a camera and snap a few of your own pics as Grace did. There are many ways to incorporate images into your portfolio. The key is to keep it relevant, organized, and professional and, of course, to have fun!
**Having trouble accessing the portfolios for viewing? Try logging into Digication and accessing the e-portfolios through a name search in the Digication search engine under “e-Portfolios.” Keep in mind that many of the portfolios showcased in this blog are only viewable to members of the DePaul community.
For more tips and discussions on digication and e-portfolios, check out the entries listed under the category “Digication,” explore relevant tabs, and stay tuned for additional posts in this series on “Digicating.”Discover more from UCWbLing
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