Multilingualism Outreach and Events

Happy Lunar New Year from the CMWR!

Ah, February. The month when my eyes wander from the the overly ambitious list of New Year’s resolutions taped to my wall (an even dozen this year, in the categories of career, health, money, personal enrichment, and travel) to the blank pages of my Passion Planner stacked on the floor and accept reality: that the road to inertia is paved with good intentions.

But if January is a drill sergeant—all tough love and “No excuses. You said you were training for a triathlon. Go run another five miles!”—February is a therapist, reminding me that now is a perfect time to take inventory of 2016 so far and prioritize a single SMART goal to focus on. After all, I have another chance to make good on my intentions. Lunar New Year is coming up on Monday, February 8.

Chicago offers a plethora of Lunar New Year events. For instance, the Asian American Coalition of Chicago is hosting a high-ticket celebration on Saturday, February 6. In years past, I’ve watched the parades in Chinatown and on Argyle in Uptown, savored the appropriately named Beijing Duck Feast at Sun Wah BBQ, and devoured homemade 만두 (dumplings) and 떡국 (rice cake soup) while celebrating with my family.


I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that the CMWR is doing a turbocharged week of programming for DePaul’s International Education Week (February 8–12). Spread the word to any international students you know!

Monday, February 8 (Lunar New Year): CMWR team members will be leading a Walk and Talk to Garfield Park Conservatory. I’ve never been! I’m very excited to explore the Conservatory’s acres of greenery and the stunning solarise: a sea of all colors exhibit with a group. Thousands of plants! Enough said.

Tuesday, February 9: The Language of Love and Consent, a Valentine’s Day–themed installment of Language Café, will include readings, discussion, and a card-making activity.

Wednesday, February 10: International Game Club will feature games from the world over. I’ll be bringing my 화투 (Korean playing cards), hanafuda (Japanese flower cards), and 윷놀이 (yut nori, a Korean board game I grew up playing with my family).

Friday, February 12: In a special edition of Conversation and Culture, visitors from Media Production and Training (MPT) will be recording international students’ stories. The day’s cultural narratives will focus on international education.


Happy Lunar New Year! Here’s to hitting the reset button, shaking off the February slump, and moving forward with renewed purpose and hope.

What about you? Do you struggle with month-after syndrome in February, as I do? Do you have Lunar New Year traditions? What do you plan to do this year? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section!

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