Peer Writing Tutoring

ICW Tips for Tutors: Setting Objectives

The In Class Workshop Team is all set to begin a new quarter, and we’re more eager than ever as we’ve added four new members to our team!  So, given that springtime is all about “new” things (three mentions already…), we’re trying out a new feature–ICW Tips for Tutors!  If you’re wondering about tactics to try during a tutorial, check our posts for ideas.  Even though we use these during workshops, they can still apply to one-on-one sessions.

During our first week of workshops, it’s always a good time for us to remind each other of how to start a workshop effectively.  An abrupt start can create an awkward rapport with writers, but a smooth start can really help create good vibes.  So, our tip for today is:  express your objectives clearly at the start of a session.  By being very clear about what you intend to accomplish, writers will know what’s expected of them, and they’ll understand why you’re going in a particular direction.

And while starting off with objectives matters, don’t forget to finish the session by reviewing your objectives.  This way, writers can physically see what you’ve accomplished with them, and you’ll end up reinforcing the most important parts of your tutorial.

Happy tutoring!

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