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IWCWeek 2015 A Day in the Life of the DePaul University Center for Writing-Based Learning (UCWbL) #IWCWeek

IWCWeek 2015  A Day in the Life of the DePaul University Center for Writing-Based Learning (UCWbL)


Elizabeth Coughlin and James Neisen, UCWbL, @DePaulUCWbL

Every day in the DePaul UCWbL, we are honored to meet, talk with, and learn from writers.  Whether we are brainstorming ideas, exploring resources, or discussing a piece of writing – any kind of writing, at any stage of the writing process – we draw from our mission, core beliefs and values.  Every day, in our Loop and Lincoln Park spaces, online through live chat, written feedback appointments, and online realtime sessions, in one-to-one conversations, writing fellow appointments, and in writing groups, we strive to put our mission into action and practice what we value and believe.

WritersLoop UCWbLCoreBeliefs


Each day finds us doing a little or a lot of everything:  We read, blog, advocate for writers and writing through outreach work, gather together with our Collaborative for Multilingual Writers, do research, conduct workshops, produce films and podcasts, run a radio program, post announcements and greetings on Facebook, have conversation partner appointments, host readings, open mics, and an annual Summit.



We track our work, keep records, run inservices and other staff development programs, we publish, attend conferences, maintain professional electronic portfolios, support the First Year Programs Writing Showcase and other DePaul writing initiatives, and reach out to the community at large, both in and beyond Chicago.




Writers are at the center of everything we do. We envision a world where everyone identifies as a writer, and we seek to create that world one interaction at a time.




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