New Media Research

R is for Research

Knowledge is Meant to be Shared

Spend a week with the UCWbL’s Research Team, and you might get a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of data that the UCWbL collects. For everything that happens in the UCWbL, from appointments to promotional events to workshops, there is probably an accompanying spreadsheet filled with numbers and percentages. The Research Team, tasked with collecting and processing this information, was faced with the question of what to do with dozens of spreadsheets, and we decided that we wanted to give that information to the masses. But that raised another, even more important question: How do we make numbers fun and interesting? And thus, our regular infographic was born. We sought help in publicizing our data from the UCWbL’s wonderful and talented Social Media coordinators, in charge of our Facebook, Twitter, and the blog you are currently reading. They added the RisforResearch hashtag, and a Research Team tradition was born.

We felt that keeping this information to ourselves was selfish. Knowledge is meant to be shared.

And so, to celebrate the opening of the 2014-2015 academic school year, The UCWbL Research Team is excited to present our first infographic, in which we reflect on our work from the previous year. Take a look!


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