Scrawl Radio

SAAM PSAs are A-OK! (Scrawl S10 E2)

Hello Scrawl Nation! This week’s episode of Scrawl featured guests Carolyn Rudinsky and Clare Stuber (or, as we love to call them, C & C Music Factory) from the UCWbL Outreach team to talk about a recent workshop they gave about Sexual Assault Awareness Month (otherwise known as SAAM). At the workshop, DePaul students created public service announcements about SAAM, and we were lucky enough to get to play three of them on the air!

L to R: UCWbLer Carolyn Rudinsky, Scrawlers Mariah Woelfel, Brandon Haskey, Megan Deppen, and Rima Mandwee
L to R: UCWbLer Carolyn Rudinsky, Scrawlers Mariah Woelfel, Brandon Haskey, Megan Deppen, and Rima Mandwee

During the episode, we talked not only about SAAM and the resources available to people in regard to sexual assault, but we also discussed the rhetoric of various PSAs and other, more unconventional, styles of activism. Our discussion focused around the different styles of PSAs a group could use and what the intention of those PSAs could be.

We also discussed a bit of recent news in the world of DePaul where two controversial banners were briefly displayed in Arts & Letters Hall on campus (read about the situation surrounding it here). We talked about the rhetoric, strengths, and weaknesses of using “guerrilla advocacy” for a cause. Share your thoughts on the rhetoric of this approach in the comments section of this post!

Be sure to listen to this episode for a frank, honest, meaningful, and engaging discussion of SAAM (and check out the calendar for more SAAM events!), sexual assault awareness in itself, and, of course, to check out the fantastic PSAs created by DePaul students!

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