Writing about Writing

Zines 101

What is a zine? A zine is a genre that originally worked as a counter-culture method of information sharing. The format started as fan groups of media…

Scrawl Radio

ScrawlS11E18 Bye Megan!

Good morning Scrawl Nation! It was a bittersweet  morning as we said goodbye to one of our Scrawl co-hosts and fellow UCWbLers on the air. Megan is…

Peer Writing Tutoring Research Writing about Writing

Mobile Technology and Creating Work Spaces

It’s no secret that UCWbLers are proud of the new space we occupy in the SAC.  With modern decor, ample, open seating, and a tech-friendly infrastructure, it’s…

Scrawl Radio

ScrawlS11E17 You’ve been published!

Gooood morning Scrawl Nation! Ever dream of seeing your name in lights, or better yet, on a front cover? This week we brought the beloved Jen Finstrom…

Scrawl Radio

ScrawlS11E16 On the EDGE

Goooood morning Scrawl Nation! This year we’ve seen some new faces around the UCWbL. They’re not just new UCWbLers. They go by another fierce acronym: EDGE. The Education and…

Scrawl Radio

ScrawlS11E15 The Big Debate

Good morning Scrawl Nation! Democracy is the reason for this season, and the best way to celebrate is with a good, hearty debate! Chicago’s Feb. 24th elections brought in…

Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

ScrawlS11E13 Secret Agent Tutoring at 826Chi

Hello Scrawl Nation! This week we had the pleasure of bringing on fellow UCWbLer, Amber Slater, to share her experience volunteering at 826Chi. This secret agent-themed writing…

Scrawl Radio

You Can “Handle” This: Blogging and Twitter 101 (Scrawl S10 E07)

Hello Scrawl Nation! For this week’s episode of Scrawl Radio we brought on a very special guest from the UCWbL’s social media team, Allana T, to talk…

Scrawl Radio

Writing FEST: Rhetoric of Festival Marketing (Scrawl S10 E6)

Hello Scrawl Nation! For this week’s episode of Scrawl Radio, we talked about marketing for large events, like music festivals! Just outside the studio, the DePaul Activities…

Writing about Writing

MLA, APA and Chicago Step into the Ring

MLA, APA, Chicago…so many citation styles, and yet, so little time to sufficiently learn them all. Each citation style is specific to its own field, and as…