Writing about Writing

Research-Writing Workshops to Come to Suburban Campuses!

Winter quarter is nearly half done, and I’m sure everyone knows what that means. Mid-terms are over, the snow is starting to melt, and the UCWbL’s winter…

Research Writing about Writing

Digital humanities, the next big thing?

An article in today’s New York Times discusses what might be the next big thing in the humanities. With texts being digitally scanned and uploaded every day…

New Media Writing about Writing

Get your research published… on Wikipedia

According to N.P.R., Wikipedia’s Public Policy Initiative has recruited professors from eight different universities (including Harvard and U.C. Berkeley) to incorporate Wikipedia into their courses on public…

Writing about Writing

Do you know about Zotero?

As November rolls onward, DePaul University’s finals week approaches.  Those research paper due dates that were once safely tucked away on a calendar page far far away…

Writing about Writing

Academic Writing Resources

Harvard University’s Writing Center has some useful resources for writers working on academic papers. Their “Brief Guides to Writing Papers in the Disciplines” covers the fields of…

Writing about Writing

Common Folk

During class the other night (English 431, Invention of the Novel), Professor John Shanahan pointed out a great online resource for writers who are interested in conducting original, historiographic research.…