New Media

Social Media: Helping or Hurting Writers?

Social media. Its everywhere we look. You and all your friends are using it on your phones and computers. Businesses cannot seem to survive without it. Its…

New Media

Social-ize Your Writing Center (with hints from our social media guide)

We’re always encouraging our colleagues to share the awesome work they do through our social media outlets.  If you’re an UCWbLer looking for the best channel to…

New Media Writing about Writing

MLA adds format for citing tweets

Great news for social media-savvy UCWbLers – the Modern Language Association has rolled out the correct format for citing a tweet in an academic paper.  If you…

Outreach and Events Writing about Writing


After receiving Monday’s email from the Outreach Team, I hope all UCWbLers are just as excited as we are for the upcoming third annual National Day on…

Scrawl Radio

Family Affair (Scrawl S1 E16)

It’s a family affair on today’s Scrawl, as we welcome not one, but two special guests from the UCWbL! Writing Tutor/Fellow Martina Mihelicova reads some short fiction…

Writing about Writing

Social Cataloguing, Books, and Snow Days

You might ask what these things have in common. Books are often enjoyed in solitude, but on one of DePaul’s snow days earlier in February, I found…