New Media Outreach and Events

25,000+ Stories

As the largest Catholic University in the nation, DePaul is home to roughly 25,000 students. That is, 25,000 students with 25,000 unique personalities, 25,000 unique voices, and…

New Media Outreach and Events Writing about Writing

Expressing Yourself in Political Writing

To some extent, getting people riled up is the goal of political writing.  Opinions and discussions should be exciting, forceful, and most of all, persuasive.  You want…

Outreach and Events Research Writing about Writing

Why Can’t Shakespeare Go to Jail?: Thoughts on Literature Banned from American Prisons

Banned Books Week is an annual time to recognize and contemplate the “objectionable” literature in America: texts that sects of society have deemed morally, religiously, sexually, racially,…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

‘Good English’ : Why Must It Be So Gray?

I led my first official handful of face-to-face appointments this past week and was surprised at how many of my peers were concerned with grammar usage in…

Outreach and Events

Banned Books Week 2011

The UCWbL Outreach Team would like to thank everybody who joined us in our celebration of Banned Books Week! On Monday, September 26 at DePaul’s Loop campus…

Outreach and Events

Writing Groups present AP and ILP Forums for SNL Writers

Most UCWbLers may know or remember that Writing Groups Leaders do a lot of work with adult students from the School for New Learning.  As part of…

Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring Research

Research Team Presents In-Service, Crowd Goes Wild

This morning the Research Team led the second in-service of the autumn quarter.  For the past year the Team has been assessing the effectiveness of UCWbL practices…

Peer Writing Tutoring

Alice’s Adventures in UCWbLand

“The Hatter opened his eyes very wide…but all he said was, ‘How is a raven like a writing desk?’ ”

Outreach and Events Peer Writing Tutoring Research Writing about Writing

Research Team In-Service

Attention, UCWbLers! Research Team here! Have you ever wanted to know how students feel about your work as tutors? Have you ever wondered how many tutorials the…

Scrawl Radio

Sustainable Scrawling

For those who don’t know, Scrawl–the UCWbL’s radio show–is live every Friday at 11am on Radio DePaul. When you’re told to listen to a writing center’s radio…