Peer Writing Tutoring

Respect Our Authoritah: Tutor Authority

A writer sat down for his session and told me that he’d been working in finance for years, and he was only enrolled in the School for…

Writing about Writing

Directive Tutoring or Overt Plagiarism?

In “Can I Help You With That?: Directive Tutoring And The Status Of Contextual Information In The Writing Center,” the most recent Tutor’s Column from the Writing…

Peer Writing Tutoring

“Writing Mojo”: A Perspective to Inform the Way Writers Retreat into the UCWbL

Before the UCWbL opened for appointments two weeks ago, tutors, fellows, and administrators gatheredfor the annual Winter quarter staff retreat. The program changes every year, but usually…

Outreach and Events

Network, Collaborate, Learn: The 2012-13 Peer Tutor & Mentor Summit

The 2012-2013 Peer Tutor & Mentor Summit was this past Friday, and as usual, it delivered on its promise: tutors and mentors from across DePaul’s programs had…

New Media

Social-ize Your Writing Center (with hints from our social media guide)

We’re always encouraging our colleagues to share the awesome work they do through our social media outlets.  If you’re an UCWbLer looking for the best channel to…

Multilingualism Writing about Writing

CMWR’s Friday Forum is Back!

The CMWR’s Friday Forum is up and running for Winter Quarter, and this conversation-based group reads through a short text on different aspects of American culture and…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

Taking Another Look At Editing as Tutoring

When I first signed up for my literary editing course, I didn’t really think it would have much in common with my tutoring job.  I mean, we’re…

Peer Writing Tutoring

Outpost and Short Tutorials: Challenges, Strategies, and Pitfalls

While it’s nice to finish a conference in under thirty minutes and return to meebo until the next student arrives at the outpost, short tutorials take a…

Peer Writing Tutoring

The Importance of Building Rapport: Because Bradley could be your next appointment

If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the latest episode of The Breakroom on the UCWbL’s youtube page. This video depicts and discusses the importance of…

Peer Writing Tutoring

Tutor Training: Technological approaches considered

As a new tutor with one quarter under my belt, it was interesting to see how much time and preparation is put into the reopening of the…