Love is tough and here, at the UCWbL, we know that dating can be tricky. Relationships are overwhelming, but not to worry! We have your back. Below, you will find a preliminary list of ways in which you can employ several of our romantic writing philosophies to give your love life the boost it needs.
1. Do Not Appropriate
Do you tell your partner what to do? Do they often accuse you of being bossy? It is important to refrain from imposing your own opinions and ideas on your significant other. This is easier said than done, but respecting your partner’s distinct differences from your own is key when it comes to building a successful relationship. Here, at the Writing Center, we would never think of changing a writer’s work for them just like you cannot expect to change your significant other.
2. Offer Genuine Praise
Compliments, when offered in a genuine matter, make an enormous difference within a relationship. The key, though, is to offer these compliments in the correct way. Specific praise is the key to successful praise. Next time your partner does something that makes you happy, tell them. If they’re wearing that sweater that you love, tell them how great the color looks on them. Remember that it’s all about the details.
3. Take a Minimalist Approach
We all need time to ourselves and this can be especially true within a relationship. If it feels like you are spending every waking minute with your significant other, take a step back. Often times, giving them a little bit of space can be the key to revamping your love life and rekindling that spark.
4. Build Rapport
This one goes out to all of you new love-birds. Showing genuine interest on a first date will never go unnoticed. Ask your partner about their day, their hobbies, and their dreams. Though it may feel forward, it will display an authentic kindness that will be sure to impress your special someone.
5. Fill Your Green Space
Here at the UCWbL, our unfilled time at work is marked by a white space that we must fill with green, which signifies a productive use of our hours. It’s time for you to do the same! Do you have twenty minutes of down-time? Fill it up with a special coffee date, a walk to the park, or a simple phone call to your significant other. This extra effort will cost you a small portion of your day and will make a world of difference to your partner.
It looks like someone just offered some genuine, specific praise.
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2 replies on “UCWbLove: A Complete Guide to Remedying Your Dating Life Through the Writing Center”
Super funny and super cute, Emma! We’ll done. I’d love to read more advice on love from the wisdom of the peer writing tutor. You all are just so thoughtful. Thanks!
Adorbs! Did I use that correctly?