Writing about Writing

Vincentian Service Day! Scrawl Sneak Peak S12 E4


On this week’s episode of the splendid Scrawl Radio show, we will be discussing Vincentian Service Day here at DePaul University. This blog post will discuss what exactly Vincentian Service Day is, and why DePaul University celebrates such a holiday.

First things first, what is Vincentian Service Day? Well, Vincentian Service Day is a tradition in which DePaul is dedicated to practicing what the university preaches, which is to live up to DePaul’s founder, Saint Vincent de Paul’s, version of giving back to the Chicago community by serving one of Chicago’s many organizations. This year is the 17th year in which this tradition has been celebrated here at DePaul University. The day is structured as an invitation from DePaul to the community so that we can strengthen our connection to one another as well as putting into practice our Vincentian mission of community services and promoting social justice. Any one is able to join, which is why more than 1400 students, faculty, and alumni have participated in Vincentian Service Day within the past year alone!

So, with all that said, make sure to tune in to this week’s show to find out more interesting facts and how to get involved with this year’s Vincentian Service Day! Likewise, remember that the University Center for Writing-based Learning is available to all DePaul students and faculty to use, so go on and look on DePaul’s Writing Center website or, even better yet, go on in to the UCWbL located in Lincoln Park Writing Center, SAC Room 212 or in the Loop Writing Center at 25 E. Jackson Lewis Center 1600 for more info!

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