
Women in the Workforce! Scrawl Sneak Peek S12 E8

Hello audience!

On this week’s episode of the splendid Scrawl Radio show, we will be discussing women in the work force, since DePaul University’s very own graduating class of 2015 will be on their way into the working world starting this June. This blog post will discuss what most women experience in the workforce and how they deal with these issues, with special recognition to Rima, a peer-writing tutor at DePaul’s University Center for Writing-based Learning as well as a member of the Scrawl Team who will be graduating this year.

Every year, thousands of women graduate from college and enter the work force. Unfortunately, many of these females face issues of discrimination within the work force, particularly that of being ‘inferior’ to their male counterparts’ abilities and receiving lower pay as a result. Though we are in the 21st century, many females face the discrimination of being deemed at lower capability than men within certain careers. A career, such as law, is notoriously known for paying women less than their male counterparts, even though they both complete the same educational requirements and same amount of work. The reason for this is because of the idea of women being at lower capacity than males. This certainly is not true. Rima, for example, is a very intelligent individual with a Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies as well as two minors in Arabic and Journalism. She would excel as much a male worker, perhaps even more than a male in careers associated to International Studies, such as becoming an ambassador to another nation.

So with all that said, make sure to tune in to this week’s show to find out more women’s experiences in the work force as well as a very special farewell to our lovely co-host Rima! A special round of applause to Rima, for being an amazing host this quarter — may all of her dreams and goals come true. Likewise, remember that the University Center for Writing-based Learning is available to all DePaul students and faculty to use, so go on and look on DePaul’s Writing Center website or, even better yet, go on in to the UCWbL located in Lincoln Park Writing Center, SAC Room 212 or in the Loop Writing Center at 25 E. Jackson Lewis Center 1600 for more info!


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