Writing about Writing

We’re Halfway There!

It’s hard to believe, but it’s already time for midterms here at DePaul! As the pressure mounts, we at the UCWbL just wanted to take a minute…

Writing about Writing

Beautiful Lines

I’d rather not think about what this says about the world, but nearly a month later the universe is still abuzz with talk of Miley Cyrus and…

Peer Writing Tutoring Writing about Writing

One Step At A Time

Good morning, UCWbLers and other writing-loving friends! Now that the autumn quarter is in full swing, we asked one of our new UCWbL writing tutors and graduate…

Writing about Writing

Idioms, You So Crazy

Idioms are fun. They can also tickle your funny bone when understood literally as demonstrated by JustKiddingFilms. Their short films, If Idioms Were Real and If Idioms…

Peer Writing Tutoring Research

It Ain’t ‘Bout You: Putting the Writer First

A frantic writer sat in front of me with an assignment due two hours following his appointment. This writer, an ESL student, wanted to fix the grammar…

Writing about Writing

Check out the brand new DePaul Writers Guild website!

Thanks to the efforts of the UCWbL dynamic duo Mark Brand and Mark Jacobs, the DePaul Writers Guild has a website for your viewing and reading enjoyment.

Peer Writing Tutoring

The ‘Power of Peerness’ in the College Classroom

What do you think of Teacher’s Assistants, and how are they distinct from peer tutors? In “The ‘Model Tutor’ In the Classroom: But Which Model Works?” from…

Peer Writing Tutoring

Is minimalism the new black? The Breakroom has your answer

Last weekend, I spent some extra time in the Lincoln Park UCWbL making my big debut on the spotted office carpet; I did notice that it at least…

Scrawl Radio

Two Heads are Better than Bum (Scrawl S6 E6)

On this week’s episode we talked about how the collaborative process can help facilitate a unique type of creativity. To discuss the process of songwriting, we brought…

Writing about Writing

Who’s Telling the Story? The Importance of Narrators in Contemporary Fiction

In his essay “Once Upon a Time, There Was a Person Who Said ‘Once Upon a Time,’” Steve Almond uses a trend among his creative writing students…