In the 7ish years that I’ve been blogging, I’ve written 53 posts. 1,423 sentences. 21,174 words. For those of you looking for your calculators, that’s roughly 1 post every month and a half. My inspiration was my personal life–the excitement of wedding planning and the anecdotes of a young married couple. But, with such source material, those posts were, of course, unevenly spaced over those 7 years. Before my two kids were born, for instance, I wrote up to a whopping 17 posts a year. But after my kids were born (2013), I hardly wrote anything. Struggle with consistency much?
That’s been my problem since the very beginning, and it’s the downfall of many a well-intentioned blog. (How those mommy bloggers do it, I’ll never know.) Great posts are great, but if your readers aren’t regularly seeing new content, they won’t stick around. But how do you motivate yourself to write not just a single winning post but a series of posts that will engage your audience and keep them coming back?
That’s where Blog-O-Rama! comes in. Blog-O-Rama! is a Writing Group hosted by the UCWbL where bloggers, both newbie and experienced, come together, share their work, and provide support and feedback. These bloggers are DePaul students, faculty, staff, and alums. They write on topics from mystery novels to grammar and fashion to environmentalism and minimalism to nonprofit work. Sometimes we share full posts and sometimes we brainstorm ideas for new content. But the overall goal is to provide a community of support and accountability, that little extra push to get yourself writing.
Whether you’re thinking of starting a blog or you’d like feedback on what you’re currently writing, Blog-O-Rama! is the place for you to connect with other bloggers and motivate yourself to keep at it.
Don’t let your blog flounder! Check out Blog-O-Rama! on Mondays at 6pm in the Lincoln Park Writing Center (that’s tonight!).
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