New Media Peer Writing Tutoring

Multi, Multi, & Multi: Multimodality’s Place in the Writing Center

In my first year of being a Writing Center tutor, I can now proudly say I haven’t had a single synchronous appointment about writing. Those who know…

New Media Writing about Writing

How To Tutor Screenwriting

As a second-year screenwriting student, I’ve gotten used to hearing that my work “isn’t as difficult” as my peers’ assignments from their STEM-based majors. I agree that…

New Media

Writing with pictures can be for adults too

Why do you read something? Is it the cool title? Maybe. Did you just want to try something new?  Maybe. If I were to be honest, I…

New Media

Twine as a Writing Tool

Twine is an open-source software originally developed by Chris Klimas for interactive storytelling. Though projects can be expanded through code, users need not have such background in…

New Media Writing about Writing

Unorthodox Final Projects

It is that time in the quarter where everyone is scrambling to piece together that final research paper (myself included). The UCWbL will soon be very busy…

New Media

On Multimodal Composing

When prompted to create, to compose, in something other than alphanumeric writing, I’ve found that I and other students tend to balk at the suggestion. Why would…

New Media

Resources for Crafting Multimodal Texts

What is multimodality? While there might be some confusion about what the term multimodal means, most writers know what it is and how to use it. To…

New Media

The Visual Rhetoric of Kanye West

During some of my recent appointments at The Writing Center, I’ve noticed many writers working on E-Portfolios are unfamiliar with the concept of visual rhetoric. Visual rhetoric…

New Media

Screencasting: A Tutor’s Experience

You may or may not have heard about a new(ish?) technology tutors and educators are using to give writers feedback. Screencasting? That thing that UCWbL tutor Edward E.…

New Media

Internet as Teaching Tool

I must admit, I distrust “the web,” and the seemingly non-ending encroachment upon one’s life by social media.  When I read Kenneth Goldsmith’s article, “Wasting Time on…